I hereby announce that my blog has been moved to http://wahyu.adi.student.ugm.ac.id/blog/.
If you have any difficulties accessing it, please let me know, or let the administrator know.
I hope you like it. Keep visiting, OK? And don't forget to comment out! Thanks!
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Monday, December 20, 2004
About to Move...
Long time no see, and now I'm happy to tell you that my blog is about to move to http://wahyu.adi.student.ugm.ac.id/blog/ very soon.
It's almost done right now. All I need is just a permission to place my pre-existing database (containing some postings) into the webstudent server's directory, then all should work as expected shortly afterward.
Why do I move? I have 3 good reasons:
1. Blogger is getting slower now, especially after they decided to change their look like the way they are. However, speed really matters to me. The prettier look and easier user interface can't compensate that. I simply can't stand waiting for a couple of minutes just to start writing a new post, and wait for another couple of minutes to have it published. That's quite annoying. I just want to [write | blog] and not to get impressed with the appearance. (OK! OK! Stop! You're talking too much!)
2. I've decided to give WordPress a (big) shot. It's a fast, simple, easy to use blogtool I've ever seen. It also offers a lot of customized features for the benefit of beginner and for the sake of advanced users' "itchy hands". Like they say, "WordPress is a state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform with a focus on aesthetics, web standards, and usability."
What's the point? WordPress requires a hosting with PHP and MySQL support, something that my webstudent server provides for free (but of course, with limited space :P).
3. More reasons? Aren't those enough? OK, if you insist. Since it is built entirely on PHP and backed up by MySQL, it's really a good chance for me to learn coding (programming) and learn writing (blogging) at the same time. I retain the control, I like it. I might just need bigger responsibility to cope with this bigger control.
However, I still owe many thanks to Blogger whose service has helped me into blogging for almost a year (Gee! Time's rolling fast, indeed). I thank Blogger for providing all of them for free. Therefore, I still recommend it to those who start blogging or are thinking to move from other free blogtool service providers (yes, including WordPress, if that's what you mean).
It's just like "the right tool for the right people". Pick one that suits your need.
Long time no see, and now I'm happy to tell you that my blog is about to move to http://wahyu.adi.student.ugm.ac.id/blog/ very soon.
It's almost done right now. All I need is just a permission to place my pre-existing database (containing some postings) into the webstudent server's directory, then all should work as expected shortly afterward.
Why do I move? I have 3 good reasons:
1. Blogger is getting slower now, especially after they decided to change their look like the way they are. However, speed really matters to me. The prettier look and easier user interface can't compensate that. I simply can't stand waiting for a couple of minutes just to start writing a new post, and wait for another couple of minutes to have it published. That's quite annoying. I just want to [write | blog] and not to get impressed with the appearance. (OK! OK! Stop! You're talking too much!)
2. I've decided to give WordPress a (big) shot. It's a fast, simple, easy to use blogtool I've ever seen. It also offers a lot of customized features for the benefit of beginner and for the sake of advanced users' "itchy hands". Like they say, "WordPress is a state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform with a focus on aesthetics, web standards, and usability."
What's the point? WordPress requires a hosting with PHP and MySQL support, something that my webstudent server provides for free (but of course, with limited space :P).
3. More reasons? Aren't those enough? OK, if you insist. Since it is built entirely on PHP and backed up by MySQL, it's really a good chance for me to learn coding (programming) and learn writing (blogging) at the same time. I retain the control, I like it. I might just need bigger responsibility to cope with this bigger control.
However, I still owe many thanks to Blogger whose service has helped me into blogging for almost a year (Gee! Time's rolling fast, indeed). I thank Blogger for providing all of them for free. Therefore, I still recommend it to those who start blogging or are thinking to move from other free blogtool service providers (yes, including WordPress, if that's what you mean).
It's just like "the right tool for the right people". Pick one that suits your need.
Monday, December 06, 2004
Celebrating the 1st Anniversary of BloggerFamily...

The world of blogging has never been the same since the founding of BloggerFamily© (BlogFam) on December 17th, 2003. Originally intended to connect Indonesian bloggers worlwide and maintain warm relationship among them, this forum has been amazingly gaining large participation from bloggers community. As of current timestamp, it has a total of 520 approved members, a fantastic number ever reached by a blogger community.
Basically, BlogFam is a forum for bloggers. Like any other forums, there are offline meetings for bloggers residing in certain area, sharing ideas about almost all topics you can ever name, having smalltalk in miscellaneous topics or whatever. What makes it different is that BlogFam actually connects blogs into a networked people on the Net, a well-known concept successfully implemented by Friendster earlier. Consequently, having blog is an obligatory for any member-to-be. Through the postings as well as other details in the blog, people can get along well with the owner at first encounter so that the chance of getting acquaintance in the future is widely open. Furthermore, by the time a member has already been familiar with any others, the slogan of "we are a virtual family" becomes his/her reality.
I have a wonderful experience with BlogFam. Only in a short time after signing up as a new member, I feel instantly at home with the existing members' welcoming statements. One of them, aunty JuJu, even call me with my virtual name: "Hahaha, finally you're here! Come on in! Welcome to the club, kangmasadi... and happy postings always.". It's like she has known me for long time. Later on, even though rarely do I create postings (only 7 so far since May 2004), I find it quite useful to browse to the forums. Sometimes I laugh out loud when reading spontaneous comments of a particular topic, as if I was there listening to the conversation myself. In short, I give two thumbs up for BlogFam mainly because it can incorporate all its members' diversity into UBO (United Bloggers Online).
Before I blow the candle of BlogFam's first anniversary cake, I have some wishes to make. First, the small thing. There should be an "official" timezone for all members, based on (say) Waktu Indonesia Barat (GMT+7), so that all members can adjust it with their local time. There will be no more time confusion, especially when dealing with sensitive deadline like this writing contest. Second, the big thing. I wonder if we could create documentation of all members' activities in a concise but complete manner. Not only can we have something like "memories album" containing milestone of important events, we can also have a good source of data which anyone wishing to conduct a research about blogging world will gladly receive. It can be done simply by any member who carry out the agenda, as long as s/he follows the approved format.
*Silence grows a moment*
Phewwwwww!!! *blowing the candle*
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Monday, November 29, 2004
English Fluency Degradation: How Come???
Some students, having been studying abroad before, can not stop thinking why their English fluency (particulary in a formal writing) degrades significantly when they have returned to and lived in the home country ("Indonesia") for a couple of months. This phenomenon usually raises whenever they have to make report to their school as a part of their internship assignment, a little while since their arrival. Many of them, whose IELTS score is as high as 7, make grammatical mistakes that cannot be considered as misstyping in any way and some typical errors that usually made by intermediate (or even lower grade!) students.
It is not that they do not know the cause (the "why"); it is generally believed that the lack of condusive environment plays the major roles. Instead, it is more about the "how", ie. how could it happen whereas at the same time they are still capable, according to a less-than-2-years-old English test score and their previous years of international atmosphere exposure, to communicate their thoughts in the target language?
Presuming there is nothing wrong with the existing English proficiency test they have taken, I guess it is all about motivation, which is of course partially influenced by the environment. Motivation decreases and increases as a function of some factors. At the first time they plan to study abroad, students do their best to pass the selection phases and make reasonable language preparation in order to survive in the crowd of strangers out there. In other words, the uncertainty factor of living and studying in the land they have never been to has encouraged them to do their homeworks: enriching their vocabs, improving the grammar, shaping their style, which in turn help them express their thought to others clearly yet correctly.
Unfortunately, the story goes different as they come back to Indonesia. Being an overseas educated students, they finally find their previously missing comfort on being sorrounded by people peering at them with admiring look. Facing this situation, they might lower the standard, reducing from a highly dynamic, applicable working language to a static, words-per-words translation pattern of language.
Those who lack of motivation to stay consistent in learning will suffer unpleasant consequences. Taking this matter lightly, they might think English proficiency is only a matter of speaking English along with original British/American accent, and writing is as simple as transforming those spoken words into a piece of paper. This way, they have left the important aspect of written languange: understandability. People listening others talk can immediately ask and/or clarify which points they are missing, while in the written English, they do not have such luxury. Therefore, those who are highly motivated to keep learning and shaping their fluency are more likely to be alert to common mistakes in writing, as they are in spoken English to correct spelling and proper intonation.
It is essential for students studying a foreign language take precautionary actions whenever they are not exposed to the target language any longer. I am talking about re-studying and reviewing. Just because you have been graduated from Advanced 4 of a reputable English course in the world or having been going abroad for a few years doesn't mean you become an English language expert. You are still students, and this level you are now standing might degrades slowly but sure unless you are willing to learn more and more. You are still students in the "real" school of language.
Some people do not see my point. They think joining formal grammar reinforcement program (or things like that) will solve the problem; In fact, it will definitely not. Formal education is not the key factor at this stage of learning. You have already had all you need, all the theories and those grammatical stuffs (and even better, you have had the chance to use it in the "battlefield"). Learn informally through the real cases, from any means available. Compare it with what you have got. Not only will you have more experience and fun, you will also be a eye witness of the evolving language, noticing something new added to the language and pondering the old stuffs that removed from it. It is something like "living in the language", and may be one solution among plenty of others.
Well, it's a matter of opinion. The rest is yours. ^___^
It is not that they do not know the cause (the "why"); it is generally believed that the lack of condusive environment plays the major roles. Instead, it is more about the "how", ie. how could it happen whereas at the same time they are still capable, according to a less-than-2-years-old English test score and their previous years of international atmosphere exposure, to communicate their thoughts in the target language?
Presuming there is nothing wrong with the existing English proficiency test they have taken, I guess it is all about motivation, which is of course partially influenced by the environment. Motivation decreases and increases as a function of some factors. At the first time they plan to study abroad, students do their best to pass the selection phases and make reasonable language preparation in order to survive in the crowd of strangers out there. In other words, the uncertainty factor of living and studying in the land they have never been to has encouraged them to do their homeworks: enriching their vocabs, improving the grammar, shaping their style, which in turn help them express their thought to others clearly yet correctly.
Unfortunately, the story goes different as they come back to Indonesia. Being an overseas educated students, they finally find their previously missing comfort on being sorrounded by people peering at them with admiring look. Facing this situation, they might lower the standard, reducing from a highly dynamic, applicable working language to a static, words-per-words translation pattern of language.
Those who lack of motivation to stay consistent in learning will suffer unpleasant consequences. Taking this matter lightly, they might think English proficiency is only a matter of speaking English along with original British/American accent, and writing is as simple as transforming those spoken words into a piece of paper. This way, they have left the important aspect of written languange: understandability. People listening others talk can immediately ask and/or clarify which points they are missing, while in the written English, they do not have such luxury. Therefore, those who are highly motivated to keep learning and shaping their fluency are more likely to be alert to common mistakes in writing, as they are in spoken English to correct spelling and proper intonation.
It is essential for students studying a foreign language take precautionary actions whenever they are not exposed to the target language any longer. I am talking about re-studying and reviewing. Just because you have been graduated from Advanced 4 of a reputable English course in the world or having been going abroad for a few years doesn't mean you become an English language expert. You are still students, and this level you are now standing might degrades slowly but sure unless you are willing to learn more and more. You are still students in the "real" school of language.
Some people do not see my point. They think joining formal grammar reinforcement program (or things like that) will solve the problem; In fact, it will definitely not. Formal education is not the key factor at this stage of learning. You have already had all you need, all the theories and those grammatical stuffs (and even better, you have had the chance to use it in the "battlefield"). Learn informally through the real cases, from any means available. Compare it with what you have got. Not only will you have more experience and fun, you will also be a eye witness of the evolving language, noticing something new added to the language and pondering the old stuffs that removed from it. It is something like "living in the language", and may be one solution among plenty of others.
Well, it's a matter of opinion. The rest is yours. ^___^
Friday, November 26, 2004
Happy Idul Fitri...
Happy idul fitri, everyone!!!
yeah... i know... calm down... It's been 13 days late for saying that, but I think we all agree that 365 days in a year are all-good-days to forgive and forget, to apologize for any mistakes that we have made in the past. Coz "to err is a human", say a proverb and a quote from Quran.
That's what this posting for: to conveniently beg for your forgiving, merciful heart; to apologize my accidental faults since i was present in the bloggerland and my presence in this world (if you happen to know me offline).
I also thank all people who bother themselves saying hi and wishing me happy idul fitri to me in the shoutbox, comment box, as well as leaving offline messages in Y!Messenger and Friendster's bulletin board, and I am really sorry if I've missed any one of you while wishing the same in return, one way or another.
Final words, let's make a hope together that from this beautiful day forward, we could become a better person for everyone we love and everyone we share this world with.
yeah... i know... calm down... It's been 13 days late for saying that, but I think we all agree that 365 days in a year are all-good-days to forgive and forget, to apologize for any mistakes that we have made in the past. Coz "to err is a human", say a proverb and a quote from Quran.
That's what this posting for: to conveniently beg for your forgiving, merciful heart; to apologize my accidental faults since i was present in the bloggerland and my presence in this world (if you happen to know me offline).
I also thank all people who bother themselves saying hi and wishing me happy idul fitri to me in the shoutbox, comment box, as well as leaving offline messages in Y!Messenger and Friendster's bulletin board, and I am really sorry if I've missed any one of you while wishing the same in return, one way or another.
Final words, let's make a hope together that from this beautiful day forward, we could become a better person for everyone we love and everyone we share this world with.
Thursday, October 28, 2004
My Thesis Supervisor Passed Away T___T....
For the second time, another sad story like the one I wrote about some couple of months ago happened. My thesis supervisor, Mr. Heri Pratomo, M.Kom, passed away on Oct 27 2004 at 8 pm after getting hospitalized for about 2 weeks. He got sore throat that became much worse in the end.
Oh my... what about my thesis....
Oh my... what about my thesis....
Oh my... what about my thesis....
Oh my... what about my thesis....
Oh my... what about my thesis....
*sigh* Hopefully, the Faculty will appoint another supervisor who is as good and kind as he was for my ongoing thesis. And may he rest in peace, an may his family will be strong enought to get through this difficult time.
For the second time, another sad story like the one I wrote about some couple of months ago happened. My thesis supervisor, Mr. Heri Pratomo, M.Kom, passed away on Oct 27 2004 at 8 pm after getting hospitalized for about 2 weeks. He got sore throat that became much worse in the end.
Oh my... what about my thesis....
Oh my... what about my thesis....
Oh my... what about my thesis....
Oh my... what about my thesis....
Oh my... what about my thesis....
*sigh* Hopefully, the Faculty will appoint another supervisor who is as good and kind as he was for my ongoing thesis. And may he rest in peace, an may his family will be strong enought to get through this difficult time.
Saturday, October 23, 2004
Microsoft Financial Fraud: Another "Finally, The Truth is Out There"?
I've just read the article about Microsoft Financial Fraud that is referred to by an article written in Humorix.
FYI, Humorix is a site that shows "the lighter side of Linux, the open source operating system everyone and their brother are talking about" and presents "jokes and fake news about Slashdot, Microsoft, and Tux Penguin" for "good measure".
However, I still consider it true. How about you?
FYI, Humorix is a site that shows "the lighter side of Linux, the open source operating system everyone and their brother are talking about" and presents "jokes and fake news about Slashdot, Microsoft, and Tux Penguin" for "good measure".
However, I still consider it true. How about you?
Friday, October 08, 2004
I'm gonna show up right in front of the door and shock him up, saying that I support him for his jobs and thesis. He wouldn't realize it since I knew he thought I was still at home and enjoying the weekend there. Yess... that's perfect. He's gonna love it.
That was your thought. Think again. What do you miss? Nothing. Everything seems to be all right. He's gonna stay at the office 'till afternoon and that's all I need.
I was on the way to his office. I sent him an SMS. Honey, are you still there? Your 'stuff' is almost there.
There comes the reply. What? You send it now? I can't honey. I'm living very soon, I had a promise with my client and he doesn't want to wait any longer. Can't you just give it to anyone here so I can pick it up later?
I sent another. Oh no, please... if you go right now, there's no point the 'gift' should be delivered. It's me, you know... Me! I'm coming here just to see you, to cheer you up and hold you tight. Do you hear that? I'm the 'stuff'. And now I'm already in front of the office.
Received another. Ooohhh.... I'm so flattered honey, thank you... Please come in and see Mrs. Ambar. She's heard a lot about you, I'm sure she wants to see you right away.
No, thanks. I'd better leave.
Please, honey... for me? Please... At least you won't come back emptyhanded
Well, if that's what you want...
Moral of the story: Whenever you plan to give somebody a surprising gift, make sure you have checked and re-checked his/her schedule so that you can be sure it goes to the right hand at very first time.
That was your thought. Think again. What do you miss? Nothing. Everything seems to be all right. He's gonna stay at the office 'till afternoon and that's all I need.
I was on the way to his office. I sent him an SMS. Honey, are you still there? Your 'stuff' is almost there.
There comes the reply. What? You send it now? I can't honey. I'm living very soon, I had a promise with my client and he doesn't want to wait any longer. Can't you just give it to anyone here so I can pick it up later?
I sent another. Oh no, please... if you go right now, there's no point the 'gift' should be delivered. It's me, you know... Me! I'm coming here just to see you, to cheer you up and hold you tight. Do you hear that? I'm the 'stuff'. And now I'm already in front of the office.
Received another. Ooohhh.... I'm so flattered honey, thank you... Please come in and see Mrs. Ambar. She's heard a lot about you, I'm sure she wants to see you right away.
No, thanks. I'd better leave.
Please, honey... for me? Please... At least you won't come back emptyhanded
Well, if that's what you want...
Moral of the story: Whenever you plan to give somebody a surprising gift, make sure you have checked and re-checked his/her schedule so that you can be sure it goes to the right hand at very first time.
Tuesday, October 05, 2004
...Don't Give Up on Your Fate!
" ...don't give up on your fate,
love comes to those who believe it,
and that's the way it is". (sung by Celine Dion)
I was born some twenty years or so ago, crying. I spent my childhood in the happiness perfectly depicted in the "in the eyes of a child" lyrics (Air Supply) with "Sozo" (Kitaro) playing in the background. I learnt to play and run here and there with my friends, making a fool of a cow baby that was accidentally out of the shepherd's sight and control.
I grew up. I joined kindergarten and had new friends who liked bullying other kids and had ever made me cry for some reasons I already forgot. But I didn't even cry when I had vaccination, unlike the others. I was the only kid who was smiling when injected by the doctor, while others crying with trembling knees.
I survived. I became an elementary student. From the first grade when I didn't know how to get all classmate ready in a row, as I was pointed as a class leader. The third class, as I formed a clique named "the three detective" to explore the mysterious tiny bamboo forest in the school backyard. I came to relate a moisturizing cream covering my aunty's face as an acne and later found out it was not. I gigled just remembering that. Also the first time I had to be X-rayed because of my persistent cough. Also the terrible violence that once threatened my family.
Three years in junior high. I remember I made a great achievement at the final exam (ebtanas), having 2 perfect grade (10) at English and Mathematics. My parents were really surprised; I was excited.
Another 3 at senior high. I met my first love, but never said the magic words because my heart didn't allow me to. I applied for AFS Intercultural Programs but only made it until the last selection phase. Not succeded in the last step. But I was okay. At least, I thought I was. The devastating economy crises began. The prices were so high my family should erase milk and snacks from the monthly shopping list, limit our pocket money only for transportation cost, and cook jipang vegetables (that was the cheapest one at the market) almost everyday with tempe and tahu interchangable as the side dishes. But we survived. I and my family.
The last year as a university student. I had a crush on somebody I'd never met before (well, once we met but didn't recognize each other; only a face in the crowd). I hesitated, but my hearts urged me to say what I felt. It's done. I won her heart (but not because I could play guitar :P *quoting Roxette's Cinnamon Street*). And we're happy for each other ever since.
Now I am striving to be graduated really soon and I know I will. I never give up on my fate and I won't. My long long historical life tell me not to. The past has been so long. And the rest is waiting, unforeseen.
Life is hard. But I should not give up for that. Never. Stop struggling and I'm a history.
love comes to those who believe it,
and that's the way it is". (sung by Celine Dion)
I was born some twenty years or so ago, crying. I spent my childhood in the happiness perfectly depicted in the "in the eyes of a child" lyrics (Air Supply) with "Sozo" (Kitaro) playing in the background. I learnt to play and run here and there with my friends, making a fool of a cow baby that was accidentally out of the shepherd's sight and control.
I grew up. I joined kindergarten and had new friends who liked bullying other kids and had ever made me cry for some reasons I already forgot. But I didn't even cry when I had vaccination, unlike the others. I was the only kid who was smiling when injected by the doctor, while others crying with trembling knees.
I survived. I became an elementary student. From the first grade when I didn't know how to get all classmate ready in a row, as I was pointed as a class leader. The third class, as I formed a clique named "the three detective" to explore the mysterious tiny bamboo forest in the school backyard. I came to relate a moisturizing cream covering my aunty's face as an acne and later found out it was not. I gigled just remembering that. Also the first time I had to be X-rayed because of my persistent cough. Also the terrible violence that once threatened my family.
Three years in junior high. I remember I made a great achievement at the final exam (ebtanas), having 2 perfect grade (10) at English and Mathematics. My parents were really surprised; I was excited.
Another 3 at senior high. I met my first love, but never said the magic words because my heart didn't allow me to. I applied for AFS Intercultural Programs but only made it until the last selection phase. Not succeded in the last step. But I was okay. At least, I thought I was. The devastating economy crises began. The prices were so high my family should erase milk and snacks from the monthly shopping list, limit our pocket money only for transportation cost, and cook jipang vegetables (that was the cheapest one at the market) almost everyday with tempe and tahu interchangable as the side dishes. But we survived. I and my family.
The last year as a university student. I had a crush on somebody I'd never met before (well, once we met but didn't recognize each other; only a face in the crowd). I hesitated, but my hearts urged me to say what I felt. It's done. I won her heart (but not because I could play guitar :P *quoting Roxette's Cinnamon Street*). And we're happy for each other ever since.
Now I am striving to be graduated really soon and I know I will. I never give up on my fate and I won't. My long long historical life tell me not to. The past has been so long. And the rest is waiting, unforeseen.
Life is hard. But I should not give up for that. Never. Stop struggling and I'm a history.
Friday, October 01, 2004
In Critical Stage of My Study
Hi all... thanks a lot for stopping by and leaving a word or two here, I really appreciate that. You might think that I had gone for a while just because I've been spending my whole time with her only. Well, that's partially.....true! ^___^
The other half-truth is that I am now within the critical stage of my study, preparing the long long abandoned undergraduate thesis and really expecting that the thesis exam will be arranged somewhere in Octobernext this year.
Please allow me to take a break for while, and wish me luck too so that I can do my best and be graduated from my campus (hopefully) on November 19th, the 4th (and last) graduation ceremony of this year...
I'll see you around...
The other half-truth is that I am now within the critical stage of my study, preparing the long long abandoned undergraduate thesis and really expecting that the thesis exam will be arranged somewhere in October
Please allow me to take a break for while, and wish me luck too so that I can do my best and be graduated from my campus (hopefully) on November 19th, the 4th (and last) graduation ceremony of this year...
I'll see you around...
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Weekend Pictures...
Some pictures taken during our weekend, using her N3650 built-in camera. Unfortunately we didn't find anyone else who was kind enough to take pictures of the two of us from distance. Well, we didn't want to look like local tourists visiting Jogja for the first time, anyway ^____^
http://photos.yahoo.com/siauhiji (in a new window)
and more pictures will be coming soon... ^o^
http://photos.yahoo.com/siauhiji (in a new window)
and more pictures will be coming soon... ^o^
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
Officially Meeting You... (I)
Having been officially missing Anggie for more than 4 months, I was officially meeting her at her house ^___^
Saturday, Sept 4th. I was too late to come there, as we had promised to see each other at 4 or 5 pm (GMT+7), and later felt uneasy to know everybody else (her family--except her father--and her friend) had been expecting me to come earlier since they wanted to ask me to go out for a meal originally for the family and her friend only but then I was included since I was going to come exactly at the same time. The plan had changed, I was late. But it was not entirely my fault, the traffic jam along Jogjakarta - Semarang route was.
My heart beat faster on the way to her house after dinner and Isya praying at home, but strangely slowing down right in front of her house. I saw a guy sitting alone in the front, and instantly recognized him as her sister's boyfriend, Diryo.
Then she came out, with a glittering stare (^o^), then we had smalltalk right before I remembered I had something for her.
"This is for you", I said.
"Oh, wait, " she replied, "I have something for you too".
You know what? One of the presents she gave to me was...
an english version of The Silmarillion!! Thanks hunneh! Thanks for our marvellous weekend and everything!
Then we had pleasant chat about anything we both had missed, and later met her parents. "Very friendly" was the right phrase to depict them. A happy family.
Saturday, Sept 4th. I was too late to come there, as we had promised to see each other at 4 or 5 pm (GMT+7), and later felt uneasy to know everybody else (her family--except her father--and her friend) had been expecting me to come earlier since they wanted to ask me to go out for a meal originally for the family and her friend only but then I was included since I was going to come exactly at the same time. The plan had changed, I was late. But it was not entirely my fault, the traffic jam along Jogjakarta - Semarang route was.
My heart beat faster on the way to her house after dinner and Isya praying at home, but strangely slowing down right in front of her house. I saw a guy sitting alone in the front, and instantly recognized him as her sister's boyfriend, Diryo.
Then she came out, with a glittering stare (^o^), then we had smalltalk right before I remembered I had something for her.
"This is for you", I said.
"Oh, wait, " she replied, "I have something for you too".
You know what? One of the presents she gave to me was...
an english version of The Silmarillion!! Thanks hunneh! Thanks for our marvellous weekend and everything!
Then we had pleasant chat about anything we both had missed, and later met her parents. "Very friendly" was the right phrase to depict them. A happy family.
Sunday, August 29, 2004
welcome home...
welcome home, lady...
with a new spirit and marvellous dreams.
a passion driving me crazy.
a dew soothing me inward.
with a new spirit and marvellous dreams.
a passion driving me crazy.
a dew soothing me inward.
Saturday, August 28, 2004
a Dream Comes True
I saw that girl. She was sitting near the mosque entrance, combing her hair after finishing her afternoon praying, as we had our appointment before. I was asking her if she had a little time after school so I could ask her anything about AFS Intercultural Program in which I got involved the selection process as a participant. As one among 4 students from our high school who was going to stay abroad as an exchange student, she agreed to spare her time to answer my questions.
The chat was short but nice; I was satisfied with her answers. At the end of her depicting the know-how of the program as well as how it would like living abroad for student exchange, I was urged to tell her something.
"Anne, you know what? I dreamed last night that you were sitting beside me in the class." I said, "Funny, uh?"
"Uh-Huh?" She replied, smiling. I smiled to her too, thinking that it was merely a night dream.
She was at 3rd year. I was 2nd.
[One Year Later...]
I was talking with a girl sitting by my side, about her experience living and studying in a small city called Neenah, Wisconsin, USA, as an exchange student. We were laughing together at her story about Halloween Party she was throwing with her friends, and also about her dreams of what she was going to do when she had to return to Indonesia as the program ended. I was listening intently.
A silence for a while in the middle of the conversation, then she broke the ice, remembering something.
"Ow, Adi, talking about dream. It was you who told me about the dream, right?"
"Eh?" I dumbfounded, "Which dream? what?"
"That dream. The one you said that we would sit together on the same desk in the same class?" She said enthusiastically.
"Ow, did I? I didn't remember" I said, still recalling my damn memory.
"Yeah, it's you! I remember. What a dream comes true! After roughly a year!!" She said happily.
"Ummm, I still don't remember," I said, now recalling that, but trying to make it a-matter-of-fact.
"What a short memory!" she said. But I just smiling inward. Good God! I thought, a dream come true? Ckckckck....
She was at 3rd year. I was too. In the same 3 IPA 9 class. On the same desk.
NOTE: this is a trackback of a posting by GeekGirl, written based on my own experience.
The chat was short but nice; I was satisfied with her answers. At the end of her depicting the know-how of the program as well as how it would like living abroad for student exchange, I was urged to tell her something.
"Anne, you know what? I dreamed last night that you were sitting beside me in the class." I said, "Funny, uh?"
"Uh-Huh?" She replied, smiling. I smiled to her too, thinking that it was merely a night dream.
She was at 3rd year. I was 2nd.
[One Year Later...]
I was talking with a girl sitting by my side, about her experience living and studying in a small city called Neenah, Wisconsin, USA, as an exchange student. We were laughing together at her story about Halloween Party she was throwing with her friends, and also about her dreams of what she was going to do when she had to return to Indonesia as the program ended. I was listening intently.
A silence for a while in the middle of the conversation, then she broke the ice, remembering something.
"Ow, Adi, talking about dream. It was you who told me about the dream, right?"
"Eh?" I dumbfounded, "Which dream? what?"
"That dream. The one you said that we would sit together on the same desk in the same class?" She said enthusiastically.
"Ow, did I? I didn't remember" I said, still recalling my damn memory.
"Yeah, it's you! I remember. What a dream comes true! After roughly a year!!" She said happily.
"Ummm, I still don't remember," I said, now recalling that, but trying to make it a-matter-of-fact.
"What a short memory!" she said. But I just smiling inward. Good God! I thought, a dream come true? Ckckckck....
She was at 3rd year. I was too. In the same 3 IPA 9 class. On the same desk.
NOTE: this is a trackback of a posting by GeekGirl, written based on my own experience.
Friday, August 27, 2004
a Controversial Polygamy
For centuries, there is always a pros and cons about polygamy. If everybody else always makes an excuse for supporting and reason for rejecting based on religious texts (al-Quran and al-Hadist), I'd rather elaborate my opinion in a simple way.
For the Pros:
Polygamy has extremely heavy multiple consequences for the actors as well as their surroundings. Consider, reconsider, and re-reconsider for hundredth of times even before you're thinking to do that. Don't just think of it in sexual perspective. You'll regret it. *serious mimic ON*
For the Cons:
Polygamy is merely one solution (among plenty of others) to anticipate bad things that could happen in a marriage and humanity in general. Look at your sorrounding, you may easily find examples of bad things that I refer to. It might not satisfy
some people involved, though, but it would fail to protect most of their interest otherwise.
---> hint: "if all the options are bad, take the least bad one"
To sum up:
Polygamy is an emergency exit that has extremely heavy consequences and therefore it is prohibited unless the necessary and sufficient conditions are met.
Well, the point is that things're NOT what they look like. So? use your fresh brain AND holy heart when dealing with this sensitive stuff.
For the Pros:
Polygamy has extremely heavy multiple consequences for the actors as well as their surroundings. Consider, reconsider, and re-reconsider for hundredth of times even before you're thinking to do that. Don't just think of it in sexual perspective. You'll regret it. *serious mimic ON*
For the Cons:
Polygamy is merely one solution (among plenty of others) to anticipate bad things that could happen in a marriage and humanity in general. Look at your sorrounding, you may easily find examples of bad things that I refer to. It might not satisfy
some people involved, though, but it would fail to protect most of their interest otherwise.
---> hint: "if all the options are bad, take the least bad one"
To sum up:
Polygamy is an emergency exit that has extremely heavy consequences and therefore it is prohibited unless the necessary and sufficient conditions are met.
Well, the point is that things're NOT what they look like. So? use your fresh brain AND holy heart when dealing with this sensitive stuff.
Friday, August 20, 2004
Multiply.Com (II)
Like I said before, I consider what Multiply offers is impractical.
It is crystal clear that the concept behind Multiply is somewhere between weblog and networked-based community site (ie: friendster and its cloning temanster). People can have friends, see each others' profiles, journal, reviews, etc and do the same with their friends' friend as long as they have the permission. The combination between these concepts is motivated by the tight-coupled between those community: bloggers are most likely friendster users.
However, the merger has not been going as smooth as once could expected. The journal, recipe, and review section it provides to resemble the top three categories bloggers would probably write have neglected fruitful template design, an important feature blggers like (since weblog design, along with the contents, closely speak up anything bloggers want to say) and thus blogtools provide. Multiply only offers plain and monotonic layout for all its sections. This is, of course, might be on further development plan, but I believe it will go much more complex, if ever possible.
The positive thing Multiply users get is that they can limit others user visiting their homepages in a concept similar to friendster. This is useful for those who happen to experience unpleasant abuse in bloggerland. Ow, and another thing: most users may find the image resampling quality it offers better than friendster could provide.
It is crystal clear that the concept behind Multiply is somewhere between weblog and networked-based community site (ie: friendster and its cloning temanster). People can have friends, see each others' profiles, journal, reviews, etc and do the same with their friends' friend as long as they have the permission. The combination between these concepts is motivated by the tight-coupled between those community: bloggers are most likely friendster users.
However, the merger has not been going as smooth as once could expected. The journal, recipe, and review section it provides to resemble the top three categories bloggers would probably write have neglected fruitful template design, an important feature blggers like (since weblog design, along with the contents, closely speak up anything bloggers want to say) and thus blogtools provide. Multiply only offers plain and monotonic layout for all its sections. This is, of course, might be on further development plan, but I believe it will go much more complex, if ever possible.
The positive thing Multiply users get is that they can limit others user visiting their homepages in a concept similar to friendster. This is useful for those who happen to experience unpleasant abuse in bloggerland. Ow, and another thing: most users may find the image resampling quality it offers better than friendster could provide.
Thursday, August 05, 2004
With all due respect, I consider Multiply impractical. I will elaborate more details later.
Not really sure? Go find out and give it a try. You may want to return to this page afterward.
Disagree? Then what's there in your mind?
Feel offended? HA!! I'm out of the play.
*2 hands up, eyebrows raised*
Not really sure? Go find out and give it a try. You may want to return to this page afterward.
Disagree? Then what's there in your mind?
Feel offended? HA!! I'm out of the play.
*2 hands up, eyebrows raised*
Tuesday, August 03, 2004
How Business is Done
Jack, a smart businessman, talks to his son.
Jack: I want you to marry a girl of my choice
Son : "I will choose my own bride!"
Jack: "But the girl is Bill Gates's daughter."
Son : "Well, in that case..."
Next Jack approaches Bill Gates.
Jack: "I have a husband for your daughter."
Bill Gates: "But my daughter is too young to marry!"
Jack: "But this young man is a vice-president of the World Bank."
Bill Gates: "Ah, in that case..."
Finally Jack goes to see the president of the World Bank.
Jack: "I have a young man to be recommended as a vice-president."
President: "But I already have more vice- presidents than I need!" Jack:
"But this young man is Bill Gates's son-in-law."
President: "Ah, in that case..."
This is how business is done!!
*)taken from Aria R Baskara's posting in Alste@yahoogroups.com mailing-list
Jack: I want you to marry a girl of my choice
Son : "I will choose my own bride!"
Jack: "But the girl is Bill Gates's daughter."
Son : "Well, in that case..."
Next Jack approaches Bill Gates.
Jack: "I have a husband for your daughter."
Bill Gates: "But my daughter is too young to marry!"
Jack: "But this young man is a vice-president of the World Bank."
Bill Gates: "Ah, in that case..."
Finally Jack goes to see the president of the World Bank.
Jack: "I have a young man to be recommended as a vice-president."
President: "But I already have more vice- presidents than I need!" Jack:
"But this young man is Bill Gates's son-in-law."
President: "Ah, in that case..."
This is how business is done!!
*)taken from Aria R Baskara's posting in Alste@yahoogroups.com mailing-list
Sunday, August 01, 2004
Noble House: A Novel of Contemporary Hong Kong (II - End)
Hi all... this is the remaining of the novel I had promised to tell you:
After the disastrous landslide that ripped off most parts of main highway at one important districs of Hong Kong, including important towers and buildings alongside, the situation had dramatically changed. The authority had signaled Priority One situation; Police and Army and people worked hands in hands under the order of one emergency command base to help minimize the impacts, search and rescue for missing people and prevent further damages for only-God-knows-when.
Casey, Dunross, Gornt, and Orlanda were among the lucky ones. Unfortunately, Bartlett--the key player on current Dunross-Gornt rivalry--was not. He was trapped somewhere in the debris of Orlanda's apartment where he was sleeping the night before, after they made love ("ups! sorry!" said the landslide ^_^). Like anyone else, Gornt and Dunross tried to search Bartlett whatever the risk and cost. Bartlett himself was quite fine down there, trying to grasp and collect himself, despite his hard time fighting his nausea and supressing his claustrophobic symptomps.
After hours of persistent hardwork, the rescue team was finally able to locate Bartlett's position. But to put him out was another trouble. He was burried about 15 feet down, only his voice indicating he was relatively well and unhurt. Visibility null. The flash light could not even reach him a tip of a hair. As quick as possible, the team then dig to the nearest place just to find out that they were dealing with a block of the broken wall that perfectly protected Bartlett from death yet stumbled him from his rescuer. But they were lucky enough that time.
Until another tremor suddenly shocked the earth and another stream of mud sliding down to the site they were working on. The hole was quickly covered with mud, making Bartlett a history without anyone could do anything for him. (what a tragic end for as financially powerful man as him--Red.).
With Bartlett's death, Gornt was alone then and Dunross could easily take over his All Asia Airways. Not only that, the stock market board of commisioners had decided to close the market and announced the "normal" opening price for Struans to stabilize Hong Kong's economy. And Casey, with her new power as tai-pan of Par Con Industries, had decided to sign the proposed deal with Struans.
Finally, for the first time since Struans went public, Dunross had proved to his ancestors that his decision was right.
After the disastrous landslide that ripped off most parts of main highway at one important districs of Hong Kong, including important towers and buildings alongside, the situation had dramatically changed. The authority had signaled Priority One situation; Police and Army and people worked hands in hands under the order of one emergency command base to help minimize the impacts, search and rescue for missing people and prevent further damages for only-God-knows-when.
Casey, Dunross, Gornt, and Orlanda were among the lucky ones. Unfortunately, Bartlett--the key player on current Dunross-Gornt rivalry--was not. He was trapped somewhere in the debris of Orlanda's apartment where he was sleeping the night before, after they made love ("ups! sorry!" said the landslide ^_^). Like anyone else, Gornt and Dunross tried to search Bartlett whatever the risk and cost. Bartlett himself was quite fine down there, trying to grasp and collect himself, despite his hard time fighting his nausea and supressing his claustrophobic symptomps.
After hours of persistent hardwork, the rescue team was finally able to locate Bartlett's position. But to put him out was another trouble. He was burried about 15 feet down, only his voice indicating he was relatively well and unhurt. Visibility null. The flash light could not even reach him a tip of a hair. As quick as possible, the team then dig to the nearest place just to find out that they were dealing with a block of the broken wall that perfectly protected Bartlett from death yet stumbled him from his rescuer. But they were lucky enough that time.
Until another tremor suddenly shocked the earth and another stream of mud sliding down to the site they were working on. The hole was quickly covered with mud, making Bartlett a history without anyone could do anything for him. (what a tragic end for as financially powerful man as him--Red.).
With Bartlett's death, Gornt was alone then and Dunross could easily take over his All Asia Airways. Not only that, the stock market board of commisioners had decided to close the market and announced the "normal" opening price for Struans to stabilize Hong Kong's economy. And Casey, with her new power as tai-pan of Par Con Industries, had decided to sign the proposed deal with Struans.
Finally, for the first time since Struans went public, Dunross had proved to his ancestors that his decision was right.
Saturday, July 17, 2004
Noble House: A Novel of Contemporary Hong Kong
I am still reading approximately the last 200 pages of the total 1377 pages of James Clavell's Noble House. I found it really fascinating yet compelling; one thing because I have read another Clavell's works (Whirlwind and Shogun) to find those works are related to each other and the other is that I like the time-and-place style of description in them, not merely a story but also reflecting the way of life of the society being discussed. Such lovely saga.
As to Noble House, it tells us the picture of Hong Kong around 1960s. The story begin in 1960 when Ian Struan Dunross, a newly appointed tai-pan, decided to make Struan's (one of the bigges trading house in Hong Kong) go public. The decision was strongly against his ancestors' will for Struans had existed and been succeeded for roughly one and a half century as a private company. Ian had ignored the resistence, and this gave so much impact on Struan's as well as the whole Hong Kong. Three years later came Par Con Industries from USA that decided to infiltrate Asian market by seeking new business allies in Hong Kong as an entry point. This brought strict competition between Struans and Rothwell-Gornt into the worst episode of turmoil ever.
With Par-Con's aid, Rothwell-Gornt had smashed Struans momentarily, making its shares value dropped to a devastating level. Stock market become completely unstable. Ho Pak Bank ran out of paper money. Victoria and Blacs were about to be. To make it worse, natural disasters were everywhere: fire, landslides, floods, earthquake. Struans were seeking new deals with Toda Shipping, and made everyone shocked by its takeover plan toward GeneralFood ("By what guarantee?" Gornt always sneering to Dunross). Bank of China was promising half a billion cash. Russian spy is everywhere, creating a lot of troubles. The lost of Dunross' half coin that worth everything at tai-pan cost. Kidnapping and blackmailing by Werewolves triad had never been so bad. The casualties of disasters including some key persons: KGB spies, well-known bankers, gun smugglers; the Sevrin spionage operation had been ruined. In the latest but greatest landslide of the week, Hong Kong had been into Priority One emergency situation.
Then how did the story end? I told you I have the remaining 200 pages to read ^__^
As to Noble House, it tells us the picture of Hong Kong around 1960s. The story begin in 1960 when Ian Struan Dunross, a newly appointed tai-pan, decided to make Struan's (one of the bigges trading house in Hong Kong) go public. The decision was strongly against his ancestors' will for Struans had existed and been succeeded for roughly one and a half century as a private company. Ian had ignored the resistence, and this gave so much impact on Struan's as well as the whole Hong Kong. Three years later came Par Con Industries from USA that decided to infiltrate Asian market by seeking new business allies in Hong Kong as an entry point. This brought strict competition between Struans and Rothwell-Gornt into the worst episode of turmoil ever.
With Par-Con's aid, Rothwell-Gornt had smashed Struans momentarily, making its shares value dropped to a devastating level. Stock market become completely unstable. Ho Pak Bank ran out of paper money. Victoria and Blacs were about to be. To make it worse, natural disasters were everywhere: fire, landslides, floods, earthquake. Struans were seeking new deals with Toda Shipping, and made everyone shocked by its takeover plan toward GeneralFood ("By what guarantee?" Gornt always sneering to Dunross). Bank of China was promising half a billion cash. Russian spy is everywhere, creating a lot of troubles. The lost of Dunross' half coin that worth everything at tai-pan cost. Kidnapping and blackmailing by Werewolves triad had never been so bad. The casualties of disasters including some key persons: KGB spies, well-known bankers, gun smugglers; the Sevrin spionage operation had been ruined. In the latest but greatest landslide of the week, Hong Kong had been into Priority One emergency situation.
Then how did the story end? I told you I have the remaining 200 pages to read ^__^
Thursday, July 15, 2004
N3315, A Handbook of BPR, and LTSP
The very first time I bought my own cellphone using my salary as a part timer. It's been Nokia 3315 (2nd hand). A few days later, I had to take so much pain for the horrible messages from a best friend that became ordinary friend afterward. Hahaha... I don't boast things up. It was a plain text with horror effect to me, that suddenly a chill went through me, so frightened to lose a friend like her, something that I could not afford with my whole life.
Then story goes on, still in my cubicle on the corner of our small office and we keep sending SMS occasionally, saying hi to each other as if nothing had happened before (except for one thing I cannot tell you ^_^). The phone is always there beside a pile of books that were arranged neatly on the desk. Gosh! it'd take days to grasp them all, most of which are about Banking rules particularly Bank Perkreditan Rakyat. There were also some documents of credit application: Appraisal Form, Call Report, Letter of Credit Proposal, Major Depositor Info, Fiducia Report, etc. Putting those things together, we should build front-end banking application for the customer to use in their daily operation.
Now that the client have limited budget it is strongly advised for them to deploy LTSP Based Banking Information System in the whole operation.
Now, let's put those things together. A cellphones that became exist in my life thanks to my boss giving me salary in return for I help the company building small banking application system for their client that demand LTSP solution. Don't seem to have a red line, do they? Well, life is complicated sometimes :D
Then story goes on, still in my cubicle on the corner of our small office and we keep sending SMS occasionally, saying hi to each other as if nothing had happened before (except for one thing I cannot tell you ^_^). The phone is always there beside a pile of books that were arranged neatly on the desk. Gosh! it'd take days to grasp them all, most of which are about Banking rules particularly Bank Perkreditan Rakyat. There were also some documents of credit application: Appraisal Form, Call Report, Letter of Credit Proposal, Major Depositor Info, Fiducia Report, etc. Putting those things together, we should build front-end banking application for the customer to use in their daily operation.
Now that the client have limited budget it is strongly advised for them to deploy LTSP Based Banking Information System in the whole operation.
Now, let's put those things together. A cellphones that became exist in my life thanks to my boss giving me salary in return for I help the company building small banking application system for their client that demand LTSP solution. Don't seem to have a red line, do they? Well, life is complicated sometimes :D
Who Are You?
Anytime I ask myself this question in every case that reveals slowly the dark side of me, I suddenly remember one important thesis my personality resembles to: A mirror.
Yeah. I reflect to many people around me. From the spoiled-but-charming-sparkling-loving-caring Anggie to meticulous-deterministic Malik with his Boolean logic analogy over all matters in the world repeated all the times.
Nope. It doesn't work the way you think mimicking or imitating or symmetry principle does. It's rather a piece of puzzle that falls into its place, one by one, 'till complete. Then a dark short young fellow with black-to-red hair and warming smile due to his white teeth is already there.
Still, I don't know who I am. I might be you occasionally. Then who are you?
Yeah. I reflect to many people around me. From the spoiled-but-charming-sparkling-loving-caring Anggie to meticulous-deterministic Malik with his Boolean logic analogy over all matters in the world repeated all the times.
Nope. It doesn't work the way you think mimicking or imitating or symmetry principle does. It's rather a piece of puzzle that falls into its place, one by one, 'till complete. Then a dark short young fellow with black-to-red hair and warming smile due to his white teeth is already there.
Still, I don't know who I am. I might be you occasionally. Then who are you?
Monday, July 12, 2004
My Latest Essays
I've just uploaded my latest 2 essays, including the one I promised you to write. Check them out at http://www28.brinkster.com/kangadi...
Tuesday, July 06, 2004
It's Almost Over...
Hi guys and galz....
how 'bout your GE out there? Hope you just vote the right persons to be our new president and his/her vice.
Me? Still preparing the KKN report coz the deadline is coming up so fast...
From Panjangrejo it is reported that Mega-Hasyim is again on top of the candidates, collecting about 34,14% votes, Amien-Siswono being the second with approximately 30,48 % and SBY-Kalla with 22,05%.
But there is minor unfair practice that I, as a Pemantau Pemilu from LPM UGM, find worth writing. It's about "beraucracy and general election fairness".
As usual, I have to keep you waiting :P So sorry for that, OK? Take care now, Bubye then....
how 'bout your GE out there? Hope you just vote the right persons to be our new president and his/her vice.
Me? Still preparing the KKN report coz the deadline is coming up so fast...
From Panjangrejo it is reported that Mega-Hasyim is again on top of the candidates, collecting about 34,14% votes, Amien-Siswono being the second with approximately 30,48 % and SBY-Kalla with 22,05%.
But there is minor unfair practice that I, as a Pemantau Pemilu from LPM UGM, find worth writing. It's about "beraucracy and general election fairness".
As usual, I have to keep you waiting :P So sorry for that, OK? Take care now, Bubye then....
Saturday, June 05, 2004
Sneaking out of a KKN Site :P
Hi guys and galz...
I took a chance to sneak out of my KKN site and leave the risk being redhanded behind :D
I have written one of my stories at her blog (in Indonesian), but I need a few more days to write the rests here.
OK? I got to go, see ya...
I took a chance to sneak out of my KKN site and leave the risk being redhanded behind :D
I have written one of my stories at her blog (in Indonesian), but I need a few more days to write the rests here.
OK? I got to go, see ya...
Friday, June 04, 2004
Andrew Marvell: EYES AND TEARS.
(Red:Andrew Marvell is one outstanding English Poet of the 17th century)
HOW wisely Nature did decree,
With the same eyes to weep and see ;
That, having viewed the object vain,
They might be ready to complain !
And, since the self-deluding sight
In a false angle takes each height,
These tears, which better measure all,
Like watery lines and plummets fall.
Two tears, which sorrow long did weigh
Within the scales of either eye,
And then paid out in equal poise,
Are the true price of all my joys.
What in the world most fair appears,
Yea, even laughter, turns to tears ;
And all the jewels which we prize
Melt in these pendants of the eyes.
I have through every garden been,
Amongst the red, the white, the green,
And yet from all the flowers I saw,
No honey, but these tears could draw.
So the all-seeing sun each day
Distils the world with chymic ray ;
But finds the essence only showers,
Which straight in pity back he pours.
Yet happy they whom grief doth bless,
That weep the more, and see the less ;
And, to preserve their sight more true,
Bathe still their eyes in their own dew.
So Magdalen in tears more wise
Dissolved those captivating eyes,
Whose liquid chains could flowing meet
To fetter her Redeemer's feet.
Not full sails hasting loaden home,
Nor the chaste lady's pregnant womb,
Nor Cynthia teeming shows so fair
As two eyes swollen with weeping are.
The sparkling glance that shoots desire,
Drenched in these waves, does lose its fire ;
Yea oft the Thunderer pity takes,
And here the hissing lightning slakes.
The incense was to Heaven dear,
Not as a perfume, but a tear ;
And stars shew lovely in the night,
But as they seem the tears of light.
Ope then, mine eyes, your double sluice,
And practise so your noblest use ;
For others too can see, or sleep,
But only human eyes can weep.
Now, like two clouds dissolving, drop,
And at each tear in distance stop ;
Now, like two fountains, trickle down ;
Now, like two floods, o'erturn and drown :
Thus let your streams o'erflow your springs,
Till eyes and tears be the same things ;
And each the other's difference bears,
These weeping eyes, those seeing tears.
Marvell, Andrew.The Poems of Andrew Marvell.
G. A. Aitken, Ed. London: Lawrence & Bullen, 1892. 36-38.
(Contributor: I really want to share this to you, due to your primitive condition at the moment :P, I posted this on your blog and let you enjoy this beautifull moving poem once you're back. And let your audience enjoy the rhyme too)
HOW wisely Nature did decree,
With the same eyes to weep and see ;
That, having viewed the object vain,
They might be ready to complain !
And, since the self-deluding sight
In a false angle takes each height,
These tears, which better measure all,
Like watery lines and plummets fall.
Two tears, which sorrow long did weigh
Within the scales of either eye,
And then paid out in equal poise,
Are the true price of all my joys.
What in the world most fair appears,
Yea, even laughter, turns to tears ;
And all the jewels which we prize
Melt in these pendants of the eyes.
I have through every garden been,
Amongst the red, the white, the green,
And yet from all the flowers I saw,
No honey, but these tears could draw.
So the all-seeing sun each day
Distils the world with chymic ray ;
But finds the essence only showers,
Which straight in pity back he pours.
Yet happy they whom grief doth bless,
That weep the more, and see the less ;
And, to preserve their sight more true,
Bathe still their eyes in their own dew.
So Magdalen in tears more wise
Dissolved those captivating eyes,
Whose liquid chains could flowing meet
To fetter her Redeemer's feet.
Not full sails hasting loaden home,
Nor the chaste lady's pregnant womb,
Nor Cynthia teeming shows so fair
As two eyes swollen with weeping are.
The sparkling glance that shoots desire,
Drenched in these waves, does lose its fire ;
Yea oft the Thunderer pity takes,
And here the hissing lightning slakes.
The incense was to Heaven dear,
Not as a perfume, but a tear ;
And stars shew lovely in the night,
But as they seem the tears of light.
Ope then, mine eyes, your double sluice,
And practise so your noblest use ;
For others too can see, or sleep,
But only human eyes can weep.
Now, like two clouds dissolving, drop,
And at each tear in distance stop ;
Now, like two fountains, trickle down ;
Now, like two floods, o'erturn and drown :
Thus let your streams o'erflow your springs,
Till eyes and tears be the same things ;
And each the other's difference bears,
These weeping eyes, those seeing tears.
Marvell, Andrew.The Poems of Andrew Marvell.
G. A. Aitken, Ed. London: Lawrence & Bullen, 1892. 36-38.
(Contributor: I really want to share this to you, due to your primitive condition at the moment :P, I posted this on your blog and let you enjoy this beautifull moving poem once you're back. And let your audience enjoy the rhyme too)
Thursday, May 27, 2004
Take a Break for a While...
For exactly 40 days starting from May 31st, I might be off-blogging. It's because I have to join KKN (Kuliah Kerja Nyata) Program at PanjangRejo village, Pundong District, Bantul Regency, Jogjakarta and serve as a Kormanit (Coordinator of Students at a KKN TaskForce Unit). Our main program was focused on the 2nd stage of 2004 General Election: to socialize UU No 25 Tahun 2003 regarding Presidential Election, to conduct voters education and to watch the overall process for any unfair practice during the process.
(huhuhu... for only 3 credits man! what a ****!!)
The good news is that I might have enough time to go online during my weekly visit to submit the report to Community Service Institute at my campus, which is an hours ride away from the village. If I am lucky, I may be able to post some stories from our daily activities. Something like KKN Diary or else... (I don't promise you that, though)
Well, I'll miss you all so much. Wish me luck, OK? Bubye...
For exactly 40 days starting from May 31st, I might be off-blogging. It's because I have to join KKN (Kuliah Kerja Nyata) Program at PanjangRejo village, Pundong District, Bantul Regency, Jogjakarta and serve as a Kormanit (Coordinator of Students at a KKN TaskForce Unit). Our main program was focused on the 2nd stage of 2004 General Election: to socialize UU No 25 Tahun 2003 regarding Presidential Election, to conduct voters education and to watch the overall process for any unfair practice during the process.
(huhuhu... for only 3 credits man! what a ****!!)
The good news is that I might have enough time to go online during my weekly visit to submit the report to Community Service Institute at my campus, which is an hours ride away from the village. If I am lucky, I may be able to post some stories from our daily activities. Something like KKN Diary or else... (I don't promise you that, though)
Well, I'll miss you all so much. Wish me luck, OK? Bubye...
Thursday, May 20, 2004
Something So Precious
You gave something that money can't buy.
You gave me your love.
CAUTION: the last word should be spelled and interpreted correctly. ^___^
You gave me your love.
CAUTION: the last word should be spelled and interpreted correctly. ^___^
A Bedtime Story
Years ago, when I was a little boy, my dad used to ask me to do a little massage on him. I can remember that on the first time, I did that for fun. All I had to do was to walk back and forth on his body, from his back to his legs, while he is lying on the bed. And the most important thing, I thought it would be something to do occasionally.
But I was wrong. Later on, since he asked me to do the same for the 3rd time or so, I came to think not to do this free of charge ^_^V. My capitalist mind said it should not be taken for granted. I demanded something in return. Not for pocket money though, coz I don't like to buy things for myself in that early age.
Guess what? I asked him to tell me bedtime stories. I just don't get it now why I did that. But I did, and he didn't mind either. The stories were mainly about animals lesson of life. The one still fresh in my mind was the friendship story between a bird and a colony of ants.
There was a riverside, where a colony of ants built their home. Accidentally, some of the ants fell into the water and gasped helplessly while the river took them away. The bird up there on the branch, knowing the situation, tried to do something for them. She knew she couldn't fly down to save them all. She tore down a leaf instead. So flew the leaf, down to the water nearby those helpless ants. Finally, they were safe, and thanked the bird afterwards. "No need my friends, that's the least I could do", said the bird.
The days go on. The same bird was still building her new nest on a good branch of the same huge tree. She was so busy that she didn't realize a hunter, with a riffle full of bullet ready, was keeping an eye on her. Lucky her. The same colony of ants were still there. Some ants sensed the danger. Wanting to acknowledge the bird's favor on the old days, they command all the soldiers to move and attack to distract the hunter...
...AND THEY DID IT!! Sudden feel of itchy sensation all over his leg was so unbearable that the hunter swear all possible (including not-yet-discovered) foul words ever. His yelling and jumping and moving awkwardly had alerted the bird. She flew away from the danger and thanked the ants, her new friends, afterward.
"Well, that's the best thing we could do", said the commander of the soldier ants, waving the bird goodbye.
And then they all live happily ever after....
(except the hunter, of course ^_^V I heard she said "Ouch! Ouch!")
But I was wrong. Later on, since he asked me to do the same for the 3rd time or so, I came to think not to do this free of charge ^_^V. My capitalist mind said it should not be taken for granted. I demanded something in return. Not for pocket money though, coz I don't like to buy things for myself in that early age.
Guess what? I asked him to tell me bedtime stories. I just don't get it now why I did that. But I did, and he didn't mind either. The stories were mainly about animals lesson of life. The one still fresh in my mind was the friendship story between a bird and a colony of ants.
There was a riverside, where a colony of ants built their home. Accidentally, some of the ants fell into the water and gasped helplessly while the river took them away. The bird up there on the branch, knowing the situation, tried to do something for them. She knew she couldn't fly down to save them all. She tore down a leaf instead. So flew the leaf, down to the water nearby those helpless ants. Finally, they were safe, and thanked the bird afterwards. "No need my friends, that's the least I could do", said the bird.
The days go on. The same bird was still building her new nest on a good branch of the same huge tree. She was so busy that she didn't realize a hunter, with a riffle full of bullet ready, was keeping an eye on her. Lucky her. The same colony of ants were still there. Some ants sensed the danger. Wanting to acknowledge the bird's favor on the old days, they command all the soldiers to move and attack to distract the hunter...
...AND THEY DID IT!! Sudden feel of itchy sensation all over his leg was so unbearable that the hunter swear all possible (including not-yet-discovered) foul words ever. His yelling and jumping and moving awkwardly had alerted the bird. She flew away from the danger and thanked the ants, her new friends, afterward.
"Well, that's the best thing we could do", said the commander of the soldier ants, waving the bird goodbye.
And then they all live happily ever after....
(except the hunter, of course ^_^V I heard she said "Ouch! Ouch!")
Friday, May 14, 2004
No Post for Today
There's nothing any writer fear of except the lost of creativity, getting stuck in a way that he/she even doesn't know what to write.
In the realm of boredom, there should be some sorts enlightment.
The question is: how to find one?
There's nothing any writer fear of except the lost of creativity, getting stuck in a way that he/she even doesn't know what to write.
In the realm of boredom, there should be some sorts enlightment.
The question is: how to find one?
My Deepest Condolence Goes to...
.. Hendrat Prasetya. He passed away on May 9th, 2004 at 17.58 WIB in a tragic traffic accident somewhere near Bawen, Semarang Municipality, Central Java. Can't you imagine? a motorcycle against a bus? Poor Hendrat...
He's been a good friend of mine since Dec 2000. The first time I saw him was in the first session of Merpati Putih training at UGM. He's already a Balik I belt holder (red belt with small MP logo on it) when I was still a sophomore (a plain white belt ). He's a good fighter, and has made remarkable achievements in some figthing championship.
I never thought that he never reach his 25th birthday next July *sigh*.
My Allah be with him, always...
He's been a good friend of mine since Dec 2000. The first time I saw him was in the first session of Merpati Putih training at UGM. He's already a Balik I belt holder (red belt with small MP logo on it) when I was still a sophomore (a plain white belt ). He's a good fighter, and has made remarkable achievements in some figthing championship.
I never thought that he never reach his 25th birthday next July *sigh*.
My Allah be with him, always...
Sunday, May 09, 2004
My Heart is made of...

Heart of Crystal
What is Your Heart REALLY Made of?
brought to you by Quizilla
Friday, May 07, 2004
Another Team Member Has Joined...
I hereby give sincere welcome to Anggi, who has approved my invitation to join this blog. For your information, she is now a student of Communication Management, International Program at Hogeschool Inholland. She is one among talented writer, a good friend of mine, and currently the one who fills my empty heart.
Oh dear Anggi... I can't wait to read your post... ^__^V
Oh dear Anggi... I can't wait to read your post... ^__^V
Thursday, May 06, 2004
To have a robot learning becomes a dilema. This is my answer to Homework 7 of Introduction to Robotics by Bipin Indurkhya.
1. Less complexity of design. We don't have to identify all possible case that the robot has to deal with. It's very useful for designing robot operating in unpredictable environment. For example: consider a mission to Mars. A team of researchers would like to have their robot find some specific chemical compound. There is pre-installed guidance in the knowledge-base module, which comprises how to search, identify, and finally collect substances containing this compound. However, the search process itself is extremely time-consuming. Even the designers themselves could not possibly map all possible condition in the target environment and then design all relevant response to it since their lack of data. Even if they could, it would be extremely complex. Therefore, designing a robot that can learn is very essential. The robot can learn to divide search space into manageable size, explore them, then predict the rate of abundance of the chemical compounds .
2. Less interference from human; in other words: more independent/autonomous. For example: When busy family would like to have some kinds of pets (ie: dogs, cats, birds) at once. Due to their lack of time and, for some reasons their ignorance to have somebody else doing it, they could hardly manage to feed them all at regular time. In this situation, a robot that can learn will be helpful. Not only does it feed the pets regularly, but also "learns" of how much the food should be given, based in the food left, and "learn" if the food is too little for the pets. It's even more important for extreme/dangerous situation, like fire disaster. A robot can be designed to learn recognizing the hotspot, predicting potential source of fire and decide what action is considered effective (based on its own experience) to fight the fire.
1. Outperform human workers and thus will replace them to some significant degree. Situation: apple harvester robot in an apple farm. The robot is designed to distinguish perfect ripe apples from raw or even rotten ones, by learning from its experience. The more 'advanced' the robot, the more likely that it can replace human workers.
2. The learning process could somehow result in unpredictable outcomes. This might give problems to, or even edanger, human race. For example: for security reason, people design an automatic security system that employs some robots as its executor. These robots are designed to learn identifying who the "enemies" is, and who the friends" are, based on the degree of so called "familiarity". If an intruder ("unfamiliar human") is detected, the robot could take appropriate actions. But what if the so-called "enemies" and "friends" are bound closely together, for example in a "hijacking" situation? An "enemy" put the gun on a "friend". Will the robot recognize who's who? It is so risky.
1. Less complexity of design. We don't have to identify all possible case that the robot has to deal with. It's very useful for designing robot operating in unpredictable environment. For example: consider a mission to Mars. A team of researchers would like to have their robot find some specific chemical compound. There is pre-installed guidance in the knowledge-base module, which comprises how to search, identify, and finally collect substances containing this compound. However, the search process itself is extremely time-consuming. Even the designers themselves could not possibly map all possible condition in the target environment and then design all relevant response to it since their lack of data. Even if they could, it would be extremely complex. Therefore, designing a robot that can learn is very essential. The robot can learn to divide search space into manageable size, explore them, then predict the rate of abundance of the chemical compounds .
2. Less interference from human; in other words: more independent/autonomous. For example: When busy family would like to have some kinds of pets (ie: dogs, cats, birds) at once. Due to their lack of time and, for some reasons their ignorance to have somebody else doing it, they could hardly manage to feed them all at regular time. In this situation, a robot that can learn will be helpful. Not only does it feed the pets regularly, but also "learns" of how much the food should be given, based in the food left, and "learn" if the food is too little for the pets. It's even more important for extreme/dangerous situation, like fire disaster. A robot can be designed to learn recognizing the hotspot, predicting potential source of fire and decide what action is considered effective (based on its own experience) to fight the fire.
1. Outperform human workers and thus will replace them to some significant degree. Situation: apple harvester robot in an apple farm. The robot is designed to distinguish perfect ripe apples from raw or even rotten ones, by learning from its experience. The more 'advanced' the robot, the more likely that it can replace human workers.
2. The learning process could somehow result in unpredictable outcomes. This might give problems to, or even edanger, human race. For example: for security reason, people design an automatic security system that employs some robots as its executor. These robots are designed to learn identifying who the "enemies" is, and who the friends" are, based on the degree of so called "familiarity". If an intruder ("unfamiliar human") is detected, the robot could take appropriate actions. But what if the so-called "enemies" and "friends" are bound closely together, for example in a "hijacking" situation? An "enemy" put the gun on a "friend". Will the robot recognize who's who? It is so risky.
Monday, May 03, 2004
The Most Important Thing for me Now is...
...to be accepted just the way I am. (thanks to you, Anggi)
Wednesday, April 28, 2004
A Comment on Nita Bellissima's Blog ^_^
Hemmmm.... just another man's opinion, posted on Nita's weblog:
I want to criticize the annual ceremony of Kartini Day which seem to turn merely into kebaya's festival (or even Kartini-Like Pageant). Consequently, the slogan "to inherit the spirit of woman emansipation" as a main campaign has degraded into the symbol of physically-idealistic modern women. It's now only a rhetorics in the speech. Not more. Once a year, young women pretend to be like Kartini (by her daily outfit: kebaya) but leave what was there inside her mind, long ago. Physical imitation against Intellectual affirmation. Yeah, just like earth and heaven!!
(in this case, i should thank Ayu Utami for writing "Si Parasit Lajang")
"Men Pride" is just another way to reflect on male domination against female. It's so pathetic to talk about it while women emansipation is everywhere. Don't get mixed up, boys and girls ^_^ Opening the door car for your lady, or fixing the broken lamp for your wife is not an example of "Men Pride". Instead, it's a kind of respect to women. The same things go together, using different perspectives.
Here comes the point. Instead of seeing men-women relationship in such gender-dependent perspectives, why dont we try to see it in a take-and-give fashion? For example: OK, we (men) will open the car door for you (women) and drive the car wherever you (women) like, but do you (women) mind to push the car if somehow the car broke down? wehehehe....
*jayus MODE*
I want to criticize the annual ceremony of Kartini Day which seem to turn merely into kebaya's festival (or even Kartini-Like Pageant). Consequently, the slogan "to inherit the spirit of woman emansipation" as a main campaign has degraded into the symbol of physically-idealistic modern women. It's now only a rhetorics in the speech. Not more. Once a year, young women pretend to be like Kartini (by her daily outfit: kebaya) but leave what was there inside her mind, long ago. Physical imitation against Intellectual affirmation. Yeah, just like earth and heaven!!
(in this case, i should thank Ayu Utami for writing "Si Parasit Lajang")
"Men Pride" is just another way to reflect on male domination against female. It's so pathetic to talk about it while women emansipation is everywhere. Don't get mixed up, boys and girls ^_^ Opening the door car for your lady, or fixing the broken lamp for your wife is not an example of "Men Pride". Instead, it's a kind of respect to women. The same things go together, using different perspectives.
Here comes the point. Instead of seeing men-women relationship in such gender-dependent perspectives, why dont we try to see it in a take-and-give fashion? For example: OK, we (men) will open the car door for you (women) and drive the car wherever you (women) like, but do you (women) mind to push the car if somehow the car broke down? wehehehe....
*jayus MODE*
Tuesday, April 27, 2004
WhaT ARe SoRrY FoR?
If we never learn from the past,
and couldn't stop hurting each other,
despite thousands of time of apologizing
and forgiving,
WhaT ARe SoRrY FoR?
NOTE: the same version of mine at her blog.
and couldn't stop hurting each other,
despite thousands of time of apologizing
and forgiving,
WhaT ARe SoRrY FoR?
NOTE: the same version of mine at her blog.
Sunday, April 25, 2004
Berlin is in Germany: a Movie by Hannes Stöhr

The gate is opening. Martin stands in front of it, then walks through, with his luggage in his left hand. He could hardly believe, after rough years in the imprisonment, that things are not the same anymore. It is not only that jail has taken his 11 years of age away, but also that the changes are so drastic that he could not cope with his preoccupied mind. A mind that has been dominated by socio-political condition in the past, when the wall still stands between long lost families, keeps the haves and the haves not in distance, and becomes the symbol of world's most devastating conflict in the 20th century.
The wall has been ruined down, Martin, when you were not out there. And you have to stay pace with the revolution. A time being where liberalism seeks a new rival. A little bit easy for Martin since he felt the real freedom. But still, the life is not easy for everyone, let alone Paul, an ex-prisoner.
The first thing to think of was how to earn money. Hohoo.... what a short memory! :D Actually, it was to help that (anonymous) guy, the one who wanted to commit suicide on top of a 10 storeys building. Paul felt very contented, seeing that despite his track record, he was still willing to help other people. And that was worth doing. He met his old friend after such heroic scene, and was offered a ride and even more, a temporary shelter to stay in while looking for a job.
After a series of getting a job, being in between-job, and getting another one, which is not far from cleaning stuffs and the likes, finally he decided to become a cab driver. You know what? It's so damn COOL!! In Germany, anytime you drive taxi, you drive a Mercedes. Right, "every taxi in Germany is Mercedes". Well, thanks to his friend. First he tried to drive one, then learnt the route, before applying to the company. A little luck, he got a probation for a few months.
Of course, it came to his mind to see his long abandoned family. A lovely wife, and a son. So he bought a good present for him. Sounds easy? Hell No!! He never met his now-11-years-old son since he was first caught in custody and then jailed down. So how could he possibly know what a "good present" mean? He didn't care anyway. With a little help from the shop assistant, he got what he thought his son would love to have: a video game.
Jreeng!! He knocked the door. A little boy opened it. Of course he didn't know who was coming. "My mother told me not to talk to strangers", he said. Good. His wife has taught their only son a good lesson. "Since your mom is not at home, I'll put this present on this door mat. You can take it if you like. It's for you", he said. That made him halfway to the home. A well-nurtured son, and later, a wife that he loved so much. Oh sorry. An ex-wife.
He found that his family has their new bread-winner. The man and his ex-wife had not been married yet, though they had shared the same house. Hmmm, just as you expect, you sniff a competition here. The son is safe though, but this guy became so jealous that he called the police and said them there's a criminal threatening their family. Then came the Police, put Paul into another custody. And soon to be released again, for his ex-wife was giving him a second chance.
Well, to calm down, and to be patient, is the big picture. It's what had put Martin into jail for the first time and (almost) the second time: high temper.
Thursday, April 22, 2004
Grill Point: An Affair to Forget
synopsis by http://german.about.com/library/blfilm_grillpoint.htm
Did you ever wonder what life is like in the East German backwater town of Frankfurt an der Oder in winter? Neither did I until I saw GRILL POINT (HALBE TREPPE). Turns out, it's cold, dark, gritty, and depressing, with a few laughs now and then — just like Andreas Dresen's film about midlife crisis German style.
Halbe Treppe
Uwe and Ellen caught in the act.
The eastern Frankfurt is a small town on the Polish border, but HALBE TREPPE could have been filmed in almost any part of western civilization. Having an affair with your best friend's wife is generally considered a bad idea in most places, and Frankfurt is no exception.
Chris is a radio announcer ("Dauerpower vom Powertower") married to Katrin, his second wife. His friend Uwe puts in long hours at his snack stand (Imbißbude) named "Halbe Treppe" ("half way up the stairs"). He is neglecting his wife Ellen, who works part-time as a perfume sales clerk. Both couples, long-time friends, have fallen into a married-life routine that soon leads to an affair between Chris and Ellen.
When Hans-Peter the parakeet escapes from his cage in Uwe and Ellen's apartment, it's not hard to see the symbolism in the amusing scene of the couple searching for the family's lost pet, desperately calling out Hans-Peter's name in the cold outdoors, amid rows of bland apartment houses of the East German era.
What happens after Katrin discovers her husband Chris and best friend Ellen in her own bathtub is an interesting if somewhat predictable story. This is one of those classic "relationship" stories that German filmmakers love. But Dresen's relationship film is on another planet compared to Doris Dörrie's relationship film NAKED. Dresen's grittier, less colorful, more realistic version was more popular with German critics than Dörrie's more Hollywood-like film. That tells you something about German film tastes, but I prefer Dörrie's film over Dresen's myself.
Did you ever wonder what life is like in the East German backwater town of Frankfurt an der Oder in winter? Neither did I until I saw GRILL POINT (HALBE TREPPE). Turns out, it's cold, dark, gritty, and depressing, with a few laughs now and then — just like Andreas Dresen's film about midlife crisis German style.
Halbe Treppe
Uwe and Ellen caught in the act.

The eastern Frankfurt is a small town on the Polish border, but HALBE TREPPE could have been filmed in almost any part of western civilization. Having an affair with your best friend's wife is generally considered a bad idea in most places, and Frankfurt is no exception.
Chris is a radio announcer ("Dauerpower vom Powertower") married to Katrin, his second wife. His friend Uwe puts in long hours at his snack stand (Imbißbude) named "Halbe Treppe" ("half way up the stairs"). He is neglecting his wife Ellen, who works part-time as a perfume sales clerk. Both couples, long-time friends, have fallen into a married-life routine that soon leads to an affair between Chris and Ellen.
When Hans-Peter the parakeet escapes from his cage in Uwe and Ellen's apartment, it's not hard to see the symbolism in the amusing scene of the couple searching for the family's lost pet, desperately calling out Hans-Peter's name in the cold outdoors, amid rows of bland apartment houses of the East German era.
What happens after Katrin discovers her husband Chris and best friend Ellen in her own bathtub is an interesting if somewhat predictable story. This is one of those classic "relationship" stories that German filmmakers love. But Dresen's relationship film is on another planet compared to Doris Dörrie's relationship film NAKED. Dresen's grittier, less colorful, more realistic version was more popular with German critics than Dörrie's more Hollywood-like film. That tells you something about German film tastes, but I prefer Dörrie's film over Dresen's myself.
Wednesday, April 14, 2004
Hei, what happen?
Hei, what really happened last night that I should thank to the following people?
flashy_jogja, anggi_1984, imponk03, poisoncatnip, dabel3, racingdynamicz, neysa_putri, bmendota, and nitsnitz@aol.com...
Thanks for yesterday. It's a beautiful night with you all...
Thanks for the e-cards, for the sincerity of your hearts, and for the lovely YM sessions :D
And to someone who make this life even more beautiful.... Thanks, my dear.
See ya....
[ Just asking myself: Are you (--> me) really sure you'll see another sunrise?.....
Thank God that today, I still do.... ]
flashy_jogja, anggi_1984, imponk03, poisoncatnip, dabel3, racingdynamicz, neysa_putri, bmendota, and nitsnitz@aol.com...
Thanks for yesterday. It's a beautiful night with you all...
Thanks for the e-cards, for the sincerity of your hearts, and for the lovely YM sessions :D
And to someone who make this life even more beautiful.... Thanks, my dear.
See ya....
[ Just asking myself: Are you (--> me) really sure you'll see another sunrise?.....
Thank God that today, I still do.... ]
Friday, April 09, 2004
Was the General Election a Great Success?
Regardless of how one defines the word "success", I believe that the answer is "yes, the GE is a remarkable success". I prefer seeing its substantive changes from the previous ones rather than scrutinizing the technical details. It is for the first time that Indonesian people vote not only for the existing political parties, but also for the individuals representing the constituents' and regional development's interest as well. Then on the next stage, they will vote for the president and his/her vice directly. Needless to say, those changes will bring Indonesia one step closer to the realm of democracy (well, that depends on how you define the term "democracy", anyway).
As you could expect, I don't bother myself thinking the Rp 200 Billion money spent on such a messed-up Information System. The vendor has its own karma, and I have mine. That's why all I can do is to wait-and-smile-and-see where the hell in the bank account(s) the biggest portion of the cake went into.
As you could expect, I don't bother myself thinking the Rp 200 Billion money spent on such a messed-up Information System. The vendor has its own karma, and I have mine. That's why all I can do is to wait-and-smile-and-see where the hell in the bank account(s) the biggest portion of the cake went into.
Thursday, April 08, 2004
When Things're Getting Worse...
when things're getting worse...
you want to scream but you can't
you feel that the whole world leaves you behind
you think that hope is gone
just keep this in your mind: I've been through
the bad times before, and survive.
So? piece of cake lah! (nyam nyam...)
you want to scream but you can't
you feel that the whole world leaves you behind
you think that hope is gone
just keep this in your mind: I've been through
the bad times before, and survive.
So? piece of cake lah! (nyam nyam...)
Tuesday, March 30, 2004
CUTE: A Few Simple Ideas for New Language Learners
Copyright (C) 1999. Ambrose Thomson, Angela Thomson, Chad Thomson, Greg Thomson
A language is not an academic subject. A language is something that happens between people in flesh and blood. That is where it is. That is what it is. No more. No less. Individuals experience the world individually. That is called perception. Communities experience the world together. That is called language. Thus the first cute principle is Communing. And here is a golden rule to go with it:
Golden Rule C ( for "communing"): Join with people around experience using language.
For example. If you are a beginner in Language X, and someone points to various objects in the room, and says what they are called, then you are joining with that person around experience using language. This is sometimes called here and now language. Or suppose you are more advanced in language X, and are showing someone a photo of your father's store. You attempt to describe parts of it to your friend. She has trouble understanding you and tries to help you clarify what you are saying. But you then need her to clarify what she said in her attempt to help you clarify. Back and forth you go, until she has figured out what you are trying to say. Or perhaps she has the photo and you go back and forth figuring out what she is trying to say. Same difference. It is sometimes called negotiating meaning. In negotiating meaning around the photo you are joining with people around experience using language. Or suppose you are more advanced yet, and someone is telling you a lot that you didn't know about events in your new community during the previous ten years. That is the experience of the community. Communities have lots of experience that is only shared largely indirectly by means of language. Person A has the experience. Person B shares in it only because person A told him about it. And person C, who has never even met person A, shares in this experience too, because person B told her about it. Now you are getting people to share the community's experience and knowledge with you. You are still joining with people around experience using language. From beginning to end, progress comes as you join with people around experience using language.
Come back to all those people who say, "I want to learn language X; where can I find a textbook?" What would be a better first question for them to ask? Try "I want to learn language X; where can I find some speakers of language X?" How rarely people ask that. How odd.
The second cute principle is the principle of understanding. You need to understand things that people say in language X. And that gives us the second golden rule.
Golden Rule U (for 'understanding'): Pay attention to large doses of things that people say which you can understand.
Now you may be thinking, how can you understand a language that you haven't learned yet? Piece of cake. We'll see later that you can set up activities which will get people to say lots of things to you that you can understand. And we'll just suggest a few simple activities.
Can you see why this golden rule is important? You want to learn to speak Language X in a manner similar to the way that its current speakers speak it. Well then, you have to hear what they are saying. No language could ever be captured in a textbook. If you go on and on in this language, eventually you'll have understood people speaking it for many thousands of hours. You will "pick up" an awareness of the kinds of things people say. Even quite early you'll often be saying to yourself, consciously or unconsciously, "Oh, so that's how they say that." If you haven't started yet you might find that hard to imagine. But let us get you there.
You may notice we haven't said anything about memorizing words and sentences. Memorizing is a great activity for certain purposes. But for most people it is time consuming, and time spent on memorizing is time taken away from communing and understanding. You can progress more quickly if you skip the memorizing and get on with the communing and understanding.
The third cute principle is the principle of talking. There are various ways the third golden rule can be formulated. How about this?
Golden Rule T (for talking): To become good at speaking you need to speak a lot, putting your own ideas into your own words.
Now we can't prove that this is true, but that is what some of our language learning felt like, and we know plenty of others who describe their experience in similar terms. (There are exceptional people who do really well this way, but we told them to stop reading after the first paragraph or two.)
The final cute principle is evolving. By this we mean that your ability to use the language changes over time, and along with it, you will want to change your approach to communing, understanding and talking. Thus the final golden rule is as follows:
Golden Rule E (for "evolving"): Adapt your language learning activities to your current level of language ability.
A language is not an academic subject. A language is something that happens between people in flesh and blood. That is where it is. That is what it is. No more. No less. Individuals experience the world individually. That is called perception. Communities experience the world together. That is called language. Thus the first cute principle is Communing. And here is a golden rule to go with it:
Golden Rule C ( for "communing"): Join with people around experience using language.
For example. If you are a beginner in Language X, and someone points to various objects in the room, and says what they are called, then you are joining with that person around experience using language. This is sometimes called here and now language. Or suppose you are more advanced in language X, and are showing someone a photo of your father's store. You attempt to describe parts of it to your friend. She has trouble understanding you and tries to help you clarify what you are saying. But you then need her to clarify what she said in her attempt to help you clarify. Back and forth you go, until she has figured out what you are trying to say. Or perhaps she has the photo and you go back and forth figuring out what she is trying to say. Same difference. It is sometimes called negotiating meaning. In negotiating meaning around the photo you are joining with people around experience using language. Or suppose you are more advanced yet, and someone is telling you a lot that you didn't know about events in your new community during the previous ten years. That is the experience of the community. Communities have lots of experience that is only shared largely indirectly by means of language. Person A has the experience. Person B shares in it only because person A told him about it. And person C, who has never even met person A, shares in this experience too, because person B told her about it. Now you are getting people to share the community's experience and knowledge with you. You are still joining with people around experience using language. From beginning to end, progress comes as you join with people around experience using language.
Come back to all those people who say, "I want to learn language X; where can I find a textbook?" What would be a better first question for them to ask? Try "I want to learn language X; where can I find some speakers of language X?" How rarely people ask that. How odd.
The second cute principle is the principle of understanding. You need to understand things that people say in language X. And that gives us the second golden rule.
Golden Rule U (for 'understanding'): Pay attention to large doses of things that people say which you can understand.
Now you may be thinking, how can you understand a language that you haven't learned yet? Piece of cake. We'll see later that you can set up activities which will get people to say lots of things to you that you can understand. And we'll just suggest a few simple activities.
Can you see why this golden rule is important? You want to learn to speak Language X in a manner similar to the way that its current speakers speak it. Well then, you have to hear what they are saying. No language could ever be captured in a textbook. If you go on and on in this language, eventually you'll have understood people speaking it for many thousands of hours. You will "pick up" an awareness of the kinds of things people say. Even quite early you'll often be saying to yourself, consciously or unconsciously, "Oh, so that's how they say that." If you haven't started yet you might find that hard to imagine. But let us get you there.
You may notice we haven't said anything about memorizing words and sentences. Memorizing is a great activity for certain purposes. But for most people it is time consuming, and time spent on memorizing is time taken away from communing and understanding. You can progress more quickly if you skip the memorizing and get on with the communing and understanding.
The third cute principle is the principle of talking. There are various ways the third golden rule can be formulated. How about this?
Golden Rule T (for talking): To become good at speaking you need to speak a lot, putting your own ideas into your own words.
Now we can't prove that this is true, but that is what some of our language learning felt like, and we know plenty of others who describe their experience in similar terms. (There are exceptional people who do really well this way, but we told them to stop reading after the first paragraph or two.)
The final cute principle is evolving. By this we mean that your ability to use the language changes over time, and along with it, you will want to change your approach to communing, understanding and talking. Thus the final golden rule is as follows:
Golden Rule E (for "evolving"): Adapt your language learning activities to your current level of language ability.
Finally, a Little Girl and a Chef Change Her Life...
That's exactly what I think after watching Bella Martha (Mostly Martha), one of German movies I listed somewhere in this blog.
The movie exposes some symbols that are straightforward in meaning, thus conveying Sandra Nettlebecks' dream of what a scene of romantic life of an skillful female chef looks like. The little girl and the new chef are the keys that drive some ideal of Martha's life to be.
# Lina who suddenly comes into the scene, with only a few background story about her mother's accident, seems to make Martha's life worse. Lina, a little girl is a symbol of honesty, and true love ever since. Now an orphant, Lina seeks his mother's replacement in her aunt. But she finds nothing. Until the end of story of course...
# An irony of life: Just because she's a good cook doesn't mean she can get Lina into eat easily.
# Mario, a new chef, comes in and bring new laughter to her kitchen, and later on, bring new love to her life.
# A little bunch of comedy coming out when a guest constantly complaining about her cooking. Well, a perfectionist meets another. Bang!! Only terrible things afterward. The guest lost his appetite (because of her outrage), the boss lost one of her customer, and finally Martha lost her job.
# A fake "family". When the romantic life is about to happen, there's a "father", a "mother" and a "daughter" in uncertain relationships that finally they realize they should do something to become a real one.
# A romantic life, as a compulsary element of drama, occurs between both chef, though you have to wait patiently until the story almost ends.
OK... OK... I heard you grumble and become so impatient. Here's the synopsis from Paramount Classics:
"In a small, charming city, a head chef for a chic restaurant, Martha (Martina Gedeck) relies on her culinary skills as her primary means of communication. She lives with her work and presideswith obsessive care over her spotless, precise kitchen.
When a fatevul accident leaves Lina (Maxine Foerste), her 8-year-old headstrong niece, in her care, Martha's olderly's life begins to come undone. When the owner is consequently forced to bring in help, Martha and the new charming and carefree Italian chef (Sergio Constiletti) are instantly at odds.
Yet as time goes by, with her whole world turned upside down and her personal space more crowded than she could ever imagine, Martha finds love and the beginnings for new recipe for life."
What is her new recipe, actually? And how's that affect Lina's life? Hohoho... you should go and watch yourself.
The movie exposes some symbols that are straightforward in meaning, thus conveying Sandra Nettlebecks' dream of what a scene of romantic life of an skillful female chef looks like. The little girl and the new chef are the keys that drive some ideal of Martha's life to be.
# Lina who suddenly comes into the scene, with only a few background story about her mother's accident, seems to make Martha's life worse. Lina, a little girl is a symbol of honesty, and true love ever since. Now an orphant, Lina seeks his mother's replacement in her aunt. But she finds nothing. Until the end of story of course...
# An irony of life: Just because she's a good cook doesn't mean she can get Lina into eat easily.
# Mario, a new chef, comes in and bring new laughter to her kitchen, and later on, bring new love to her life.
# A little bunch of comedy coming out when a guest constantly complaining about her cooking. Well, a perfectionist meets another. Bang!! Only terrible things afterward. The guest lost his appetite (because of her outrage), the boss lost one of her customer, and finally Martha lost her job.
# A fake "family". When the romantic life is about to happen, there's a "father", a "mother" and a "daughter" in uncertain relationships that finally they realize they should do something to become a real one.
# A romantic life, as a compulsary element of drama, occurs between both chef, though you have to wait patiently until the story almost ends.
OK... OK... I heard you grumble and become so impatient. Here's the synopsis from Paramount Classics:
"In a small, charming city, a head chef for a chic restaurant, Martha (Martina Gedeck) relies on her culinary skills as her primary means of communication. She lives with her work and presideswith obsessive care over her spotless, precise kitchen.
When a fatevul accident leaves Lina (Maxine Foerste), her 8-year-old headstrong niece, in her care, Martha's olderly's life begins to come undone. When the owner is consequently forced to bring in help, Martha and the new charming and carefree Italian chef (Sergio Constiletti) are instantly at odds.
Yet as time goes by, with her whole world turned upside down and her personal space more crowded than she could ever imagine, Martha finds love and the beginnings for new recipe for life."
What is her new recipe, actually? And how's that affect Lina's life? Hohoho... you should go and watch yourself.
Thursday, March 25, 2004
Love at 4 Different Levels
To love someone is nothing
To be loved by someone is something
To be loved by someone you love is exciting
To be loved by Allah is everything.
(anonymous) --> please tell me if you know who he/she is, OK? :)
To be loved by someone is something
To be loved by someone you love is exciting
To be loved by Allah is everything.
(anonymous) --> please tell me if you know who he/she is, OK? :)
Monday, March 22, 2004
Learning All the Time... (hiks)
Actually, Nita was exaggerating when she told me my english is "very well-done" and "bagus bgttt :)". Ummmm... like I always says in the description: "...anything from editing my bad english...", I want to say that everything is evolving (it should!) toward better result. Obviously I am still learning, and I hope I can make other things work well too, not just this one.
But yeah... thanks a lot, Nita! Your compliment has been so stimulative. You do a great job at motivating others, don't you? *grin*
And my sincere thanks also to you who make me feel that I am not alone in the land of the bloggers...
*taking a glimpse to the left side* ^_^
Actually, Nita was exaggerating when she told me my english is "very well-done" and "bagus bgttt :)". Ummmm... like I always says in the description: "...anything from editing my bad english...", I want to say that everything is evolving (it should!) toward better result. Obviously I am still learning, and I hope I can make other things work well too, not just this one.
But yeah... thanks a lot, Nita! Your compliment has been so stimulative. You do a great job at motivating others, don't you? *grin*
And my sincere thanks also to you who make me feel that I am not alone in the land of the bloggers...
*taking a glimpse to the left side* ^_^
Thursday, March 11, 2004
A Perfect Beauty
"Kiku-san is such a perfect beauty that a man taking her to bed has double-edged knife in his household: complete distraction and extreme jealousy from any other men " says Lord Toranaga-noh-Minowara ("Shogun" by James Clavell).
Just thinking that Kiku San in this world would be someone like Jeon-Ji-Hyun or Takako Matsu?? Wondering...
Just thinking that Kiku San in this world would be someone like Jeon-Ji-Hyun or Takako Matsu?? Wondering...
Wednesday, March 10, 2004
One Good Reason Why He Is So Protective Over Us...
Just before moving out to Semarang after 5 years being Bandung inhabitant, while making myself busy with packings and the likes, I found some documents that finally uncover the big question: why he is so protective over us...
Argamakmur, Northern Bengkulu. A small house near the outskirts of the town. 18.50 PM.
Right after Maghrib praying Mr Soemarno was sitting on the living room, reading his newspaper. His wife was in the kitchen, doing something (undocumented ^_^). The children? One of them was sick, the other had just already gone to bed (typically kids...). The house was so peaceful until those 2 guys coming to their house.
"Good evening, does Mr Soemarno live here?" said Mr. A (sounds too polite?? wait until you read this...)
"Yeah, right. Is there anything I can do for you?" said Mr Soemarno. He saw the other guy (Mr. B) and recognized him vaguely.
Not waiting to have decent hospitality, Mr. A put his dagger--still covered with its scabbard--directly on the table.
"Hei! What's this all about??"
"Why did you write about the inventory in your report?" He stood still, his hands were right on his hip.
"It's my duty as your supervisor."
"Well, then I am here to correct it. You should exclude that one. Right away."
"Why should I? It's not simply as you write something wrong the way you did in the school. It's forgery." Mr. Soemarno insisted. His increasing tone had made his wife realize there's something wrong out there.
"Well, if you don't, I have brought the dagger. You choose."
"If it's all about official matters, let's make it clear at the office, tomorrow. Officially. And not like this way. You may think there's nothing I can do to fight against you two with your bloody dagger, but I can make sure that you will not get out safely once our neighbors come and settle the problem, with their own way" said Mr Soemarno with finality, expecting the worst to happen in a split second.
Strange. Those guys look hesitated, staring to each other. And finally Mr. A took his dagger and soon they left the house, without a single word. But one thing for sure, they will make it up. At least, they think they can.
Until the document became part of the proof, and more and more documents were made to settle the dispute, elegantly.
Can you imagine if Mr Soemarno pushed them so hard that they went nuts? What do you think would happen to his family? to the children?
Well, go find out yourself. One little hint: the child who was ill that night is now writing the story just for you :)
Argamakmur, Northern Bengkulu. A small house near the outskirts of the town. 18.50 PM.
Right after Maghrib praying Mr Soemarno was sitting on the living room, reading his newspaper. His wife was in the kitchen, doing something (undocumented ^_^). The children? One of them was sick, the other had just already gone to bed (typically kids...). The house was so peaceful until those 2 guys coming to their house.
"Good evening, does Mr Soemarno live here?" said Mr. A (sounds too polite?? wait until you read this...)
"Yeah, right. Is there anything I can do for you?" said Mr Soemarno. He saw the other guy (Mr. B) and recognized him vaguely.
Not waiting to have decent hospitality, Mr. A put his dagger--still covered with its scabbard--directly on the table.
"Hei! What's this all about??"
"Why did you write about the inventory in your report?" He stood still, his hands were right on his hip.
"It's my duty as your supervisor."
"Well, then I am here to correct it. You should exclude that one. Right away."
"Why should I? It's not simply as you write something wrong the way you did in the school. It's forgery." Mr. Soemarno insisted. His increasing tone had made his wife realize there's something wrong out there.
"Well, if you don't, I have brought the dagger. You choose."
"If it's all about official matters, let's make it clear at the office, tomorrow. Officially. And not like this way. You may think there's nothing I can do to fight against you two with your bloody dagger, but I can make sure that you will not get out safely once our neighbors come and settle the problem, with their own way" said Mr Soemarno with finality, expecting the worst to happen in a split second.
Strange. Those guys look hesitated, staring to each other. And finally Mr. A took his dagger and soon they left the house, without a single word. But one thing for sure, they will make it up. At least, they think they can.
Until the document became part of the proof, and more and more documents were made to settle the dispute, elegantly.
Can you imagine if Mr Soemarno pushed them so hard that they went nuts? What do you think would happen to his family? to the children?
Well, go find out yourself. One little hint: the child who was ill that night is now writing the story just for you :)
Tuesday, February 24, 2004
Still Preparing My Article...
It's been only 5 days since my last post, and things seem to work well out there. Ika, mbak Ita, mas Adhi and others have come and knocked knocked knocked, to see where I've been these days ^_^.
Actually I'm still overwhelmed with my article to submit prior to soft launching of www.akuingintahu.com in a couple of days. Why don't you become volunteer at this site? Simply contact the admin if you'd love to.
I'm also still writing my short story to be submit later at CnS 3rd Anniversary Shortstory Writing Contest, but can't find any better ideas...
So? I hope I could post another story very soon, it's about our brainstorming session review...
See ya friends. I miss you...
It's been only 5 days since my last post, and things seem to work well out there. Ika, mbak Ita, mas Adhi and others have come and knocked knocked knocked, to see where I've been these days ^_^.
Actually I'm still overwhelmed with my article to submit prior to soft launching of www.akuingintahu.com in a couple of days. Why don't you become volunteer at this site? Simply contact the admin if you'd love to.
I'm also still writing my short story to be submit later at CnS 3rd Anniversary Shortstory Writing Contest, but can't find any better ideas...
So? I hope I could post another story very soon, it's about our brainstorming session review...
See ya friends. I miss you...
Wednesday, February 18, 2004
Let's Brainstorm Together...
Hi all...
So far, I've been thinking of doing colaborative brainstorming with all of you. To me, it's something like having online Groups Decision Support System (GDSS), a topic that is very popular among computer scientists. The only different is that due to lack of interactivity, we'll do this in one-to-many relationship: I ("one") give my reply to any of your comments ("many of you").
If you don't know how to brainstorm, click here. The concept is simple: try to think out-of-the-box, in a different way as possible, as many ideas as possible. In short, think divergently.
Curious eh? So do I. I've never tried this, even if I've completed my brainstorming session quite a lot. So why don't we try it? It's only for fun, to see how it works ^_^
The thesis question is: Why are Japanese and Javanese very alike but not the same?
My random answers popping out instantly in my mind are:
"You bet they are, they differ in 'p' and 'v' only, if that's what you mean hahahaha...".
"Yeah, Japanese have kabuki and Javanese have ketoprak".
" Ancient and modern Japanese bother themselves using chopsticks for eating while ancient Javanese are happy to use their hand".
"Javanese loves eating meat for achieving status of being wealthy, while Japanese prefers raw fish to stay healthy".
bla bla bla ...
--> see? I've got 4 points in a few seconds.
So what're yours? Let me and others know by giving your comments...
So far, I've been thinking of doing colaborative brainstorming with all of you. To me, it's something like having online Groups Decision Support System (GDSS), a topic that is very popular among computer scientists. The only different is that due to lack of interactivity, we'll do this in one-to-many relationship: I ("one") give my reply to any of your comments ("many of you").
If you don't know how to brainstorm, click here. The concept is simple: try to think out-of-the-box, in a different way as possible, as many ideas as possible. In short, think divergently.
Curious eh? So do I. I've never tried this, even if I've completed my brainstorming session quite a lot. So why don't we try it? It's only for fun, to see how it works ^_^
The thesis question is: Why are Japanese and Javanese very alike but not the same?
My random answers popping out instantly in my mind are:
"You bet they are, they differ in 'p' and 'v' only, if that's what you mean hahahaha...".
"Yeah, Japanese have kabuki and Javanese have ketoprak".
" Ancient and modern Japanese bother themselves using chopsticks for eating while ancient Javanese are happy to use their hand".
"Javanese loves eating meat for achieving status of being wealthy, while Japanese prefers raw fish to stay healthy".
bla bla bla ...
--> see? I've got 4 points in a few seconds.
So what're yours? Let me and others know by giving your comments...
Tuesday, February 17, 2004
My V-Day Stories? Oh No...
PrincessLidya and Tuteh have been kindly asking me about my V-Day stories... Ummm, I feel uneasy to talk about it. But yeah, I'll tell you anyway, and hope that you'll learn something from it. ^_^
The setting goes back to 17 Jan 2004, about a month before the day. After having another quarrel with one of my best friend because of our past conflict, finally I said that I loved her so much that I couldn't forgive myself for doing such a terrible mistake in the previous life ("the old me"). I told her my feeling just the time she'd already gone, going back to where she belongs errrr.... na-ah, going back to study abroad.
Just like in the movies (AADC and the likes) eh? You say you love somebody but it's too late. She'll never come back.
That is why, I had nothing special on Feb 14. After working hard (hahaha... exaggerating) on the previous days, working overtime at night, I felt so exhausted. An exhausted man ("the new me") on February 11, 12 and 13 would see a V-Day--which happened to be weekend--as a lovely day to take a nap in, and a lovely night to have a couch potato heaven, make himself comfy in front of a good movie or a good Premiere League live on TV with his friends.
Hahaha... what a simple life!!
PrincessLidya and Tuteh have been kindly asking me about my V-Day stories... Ummm, I feel uneasy to talk about it. But yeah, I'll tell you anyway, and hope that you'll learn something from it. ^_^
The setting goes back to 17 Jan 2004, about a month before the day. After having another quarrel with one of my best friend because of our past conflict, finally I said that I loved her so much that I couldn't forgive myself for doing such a terrible mistake in the previous life ("the old me"). I told her my feeling just the time she'd already gone, going back to where she belongs errrr.... na-ah, going back to study abroad.
Just like in the movies (AADC and the likes) eh? You say you love somebody but it's too late. She'll never come back.
That is why, I had nothing special on Feb 14. After working hard (hahaha... exaggerating) on the previous days, working overtime at night, I felt so exhausted. An exhausted man ("the new me") on February 11, 12 and 13 would see a V-Day--which happened to be weekend--as a lovely day to take a nap in, and a lovely night to have a couch potato heaven, make himself comfy in front of a good movie or a good Premiere League live on TV with his friends.
Hahaha... what a simple life!!
Monday, February 16, 2004
Oh, I'm Waiting For Your Comments...
Hi friends,
I just want to know if you've ever watched one of these German movies and what you think about it. I've read the review, but only some of them...
"Bellaria - So Lange Wir Leben!"
"Berlin is in Germany"
"Grill Point (Halbe Treppe)"
"Heart over Head (Herz im Kopf)"
"Manns--Ein Jahrhundertroman, Die"
"Map of the Heart, A (Der Felsen)"
"Mostly Martha (Bella Martha)"
"Nowhere in Africa (Nirgwendo in Afrika)"
Why? For now, I should tell you that I'm just curious and want to watch them all.... ^_^
Thanks for your help. I really appreciate that.
I just want to know if you've ever watched one of these German movies and what you think about it. I've read the review, but only some of them...
"Bellaria - So Lange Wir Leben!"
"Berlin is in Germany"
"Grill Point (Halbe Treppe)"
"Heart over Head (Herz im Kopf)"
"Manns--Ein Jahrhundertroman, Die"
"Map of the Heart, A (Der Felsen)"
"Mostly Martha (Bella Martha)"
"Nowhere in Africa (Nirgwendo in Afrika)"
Why? For now, I should tell you that I'm just curious and want to watch them all.... ^_^
Thanks for your help. I really appreciate that.
Sunday, February 15, 2004
Just for Laughs...
I took this fake news from humorix.org, one of my fave humor-like stuffs among Open Source community. It's merely a joke with a clear message implied, so don't you feel offended if you're a fanatic Microsoft's user :D
Bill Bless You
Fictional Story written by Daniel Novotny on February 11, 2004
from the at-least-i-hope-this-is-fictional dept.
I made a mistake. Again. My little heart aches. I humbly bow in front of The System, which simply announces:
The program performed an illegal operation and will be terminated.
Oh, such pain over an unfinished work. Oh, such sorrow. But it has to be this way. Reconciled with the fate, I shuffle through the muddy alleys to confession. Users, living in muddy slums, see my robe of a novice and step out of my way. "The servant of Lord Bill! Crashproofness to his soul!"
Only one old fellow stands alone in the corner. He frowns. Maybe an Appler...? No..., the Inquisition burned all Applers at the stake long ago.
"I have sinned, Father Paul."
"Your system crashed, son?"
The Cathedral is marvelous: the clouds during the start, the beautiful blue windows that you can open, close, minimize, maximize... There are pictures of saints maximized in the windows: Saint Jack, who died from hunger humbly waiting for the start of Windows, Saint Tom, fetching the page from http://www.microsoft.com/ until he reached Ecstasy...
"What is your advice, Father? How should I prevent the Blue Death, plaguing me day and night?"
"Repentance, prayers, Reinstallation!"
"Holy Reinstallation? Again, Father? Spare this unworthy son the worst!"
"You know, son, what Bill has said: only Windows you may have. Or do you want to resist the Holy Authority of Tech Support?"
"I would never dare such!"
"Well, son. Play Solitaire for ten times and Minesweeper for fifteen times, and your soul will be cleansed. No more crashes!"
[detailed story]
Bill Bless You
Fictional Story written by Daniel Novotny on February 11, 2004
from the at-least-i-hope-this-is-fictional dept.
I made a mistake. Again. My little heart aches. I humbly bow in front of The System, which simply announces:
The program performed an illegal operation and will be terminated.
Oh, such pain over an unfinished work. Oh, such sorrow. But it has to be this way. Reconciled with the fate, I shuffle through the muddy alleys to confession. Users, living in muddy slums, see my robe of a novice and step out of my way. "The servant of Lord Bill! Crashproofness to his soul!"
Only one old fellow stands alone in the corner. He frowns. Maybe an Appler...? No..., the Inquisition burned all Applers at the stake long ago.
"I have sinned, Father Paul."
"Your system crashed, son?"
The Cathedral is marvelous: the clouds during the start, the beautiful blue windows that you can open, close, minimize, maximize... There are pictures of saints maximized in the windows: Saint Jack, who died from hunger humbly waiting for the start of Windows, Saint Tom, fetching the page from http://www.microsoft.com/ until he reached Ecstasy...
"What is your advice, Father? How should I prevent the Blue Death, plaguing me day and night?"
"Repentance, prayers, Reinstallation!"
"Holy Reinstallation? Again, Father? Spare this unworthy son the worst!"
"You know, son, what Bill has said: only Windows you may have. Or do you want to resist the Holy Authority of Tech Support?"
"I would never dare such!"
"Well, son. Play Solitaire for ten times and Minesweeper for fifteen times, and your soul will be cleansed. No more crashes!"
[detailed story]
Friday, February 13, 2004
Feel Like Being Reborn Afterward? Tell Me About It!
After going through a hard time, or a close-to-death experience like car accidents, or simply someone step up to you and put his knife on your belly asking for a little bucks --sometimes even your very life-- and suddenly you think "oh, no... not now, please!", what would you feel if somehow you can escape well and alive? yeah... i-feel-like-being-reborn.
It happened to me all the time.
First thing I can remember take me back to 1985, just like my mom told me. Almost 20 years passed, I still can remember I did a terrible thing in children's world: imitating. There's a boy-next-door coming to our house, when people at home were doing something in the kitchen after our successful corn harvest. He showed me a little tricky magic: inhaling a corn seed and take it back out of his left ear. "Wow that's cool! I want to want to do that!" I said. Then I did the same with--of course--different result: a gasping and crying me, a frightened and crying boy, panic occupying the whole house, and finally a doctor's sucking tool as well as his prescription. My parents felt like I was being reborn afterward.
(Morale: Dear parents, this could happen to your children too, so watch them very carefully. Also read another similar story)
Want some more? Well, here the list:
April 20th 2000.
I and my friends climbed Gunung Merapi from the south tracks, starting from Bebeng. It was on the second day, when we tried to traverse a narrow sandy slope, about 40 m wide, between two large moss-covered large rocky landscape. It was at 2200 m altitude and about 40 - 45 degrees of elevation. The leader--the one who chooses opens up (new) tracking path--had started his way and almost stepped on safely the other side. Me? I'm right behind him, still on the spot. Until that sounds coming, the boooming and rhooarring sounds as if a few choppers flying near us. W-wait.... take a look up there! O my.... a RockFall!!
We all laid down to the earth, and prayed those small rocks sliding down didn't give us more trouble. Lucky me, I hid myself under a rock formation that popped out 5-10 cm from the sand. Lucky? Na-ah. That thing make a small rock hit me on my left forehead. "Ouch!" i said. I felt like somebody gave me his best jab. Feeling stunned momentarily, then smiled again. "Wheewww.... that was close!!".
When we passed that hell-like slope, I have my wound checked. "It's bleeding quite a lot, but still a minor injury", he said.
Nov 25th 2003.
We just went home after visiting our relatives at Rembang for silaturahim Idul Fitri purpose. Thank god we didn't hit the car coming toward us.
It happened to me all the time.
First thing I can remember take me back to 1985, just like my mom told me. Almost 20 years passed, I still can remember I did a terrible thing in children's world: imitating. There's a boy-next-door coming to our house, when people at home were doing something in the kitchen after our successful corn harvest. He showed me a little tricky magic: inhaling a corn seed and take it back out of his left ear. "Wow that's cool! I want to want to do that!" I said. Then I did the same with--of course--different result: a gasping and crying me, a frightened and crying boy, panic occupying the whole house, and finally a doctor's sucking tool as well as his prescription. My parents felt like I was being reborn afterward.
(Morale: Dear parents, this could happen to your children too, so watch them very carefully. Also read another similar story)
Want some more? Well, here the list:
April 20th 2000.
I and my friends climbed Gunung Merapi from the south tracks, starting from Bebeng. It was on the second day, when we tried to traverse a narrow sandy slope, about 40 m wide, between two large moss-covered large rocky landscape. It was at 2200 m altitude and about 40 - 45 degrees of elevation. The leader--the one who chooses opens up (new) tracking path--had started his way and almost stepped on safely the other side. Me? I'm right behind him, still on the spot. Until that sounds coming, the boooming and rhooarring sounds as if a few choppers flying near us. W-wait.... take a look up there! O my.... a RockFall!!
We all laid down to the earth, and prayed those small rocks sliding down didn't give us more trouble. Lucky me, I hid myself under a rock formation that popped out 5-10 cm from the sand. Lucky? Na-ah. That thing make a small rock hit me on my left forehead. "Ouch!" i said. I felt like somebody gave me his best jab. Feeling stunned momentarily, then smiled again. "Wheewww.... that was close!!".
When we passed that hell-like slope, I have my wound checked. "It's bleeding quite a lot, but still a minor injury", he said.
Nov 25th 2003.
We just went home after visiting our relatives at Rembang for silaturahim Idul Fitri purpose. Thank god we didn't hit the car coming toward us.
Tuesday, February 10, 2004
*Thank You*, /Thank You/ and _Thank You_
Phew! That was close!! Suddenly I feel I'm the luckiest guy in the world. There're so much to do, those dreams have to become reality. One way or another. The first and foremost thanks goes to Allah SWT for He doesn't squeeze me because of my sins so far. O God wherever you are, I believe I'm not that good, but thanks for giving me second chance.
Next, it goes to my friends from Alste community: mas Ariyo, Citot aka Ahmadun, aYu (hmmmmmm...), mas Firman, Edi, pakdhe Rois, Fanny, Jati, (mbak) Anne, mas Buyung, pak Aria Baskara, ... (ERROR: unterminated string). Thanks for a lovely but (rather) lonely mailist. I feel like home there...
Then to my colleagues at PT Reftindo Sarana, esp Mr Laksono and Mr Asnawi for their valuable support ever since I started working as a part time system engineer. Your patience is touching my hearts...
And to all of Ikomp99 members: Dayat, Tony, Awal, Ayu, Edi jenggot, Edi Smile, Hesti, Yance, Inda, Wawan, ...
And to all of PMII crews (Mahbub, Nyitnyit, Shihab, Bosman, pak Medi, Ratna, ...), MAPAGAMA fellows (mbak Tanti, Aka, Enno, Endar, Ari, Mitha, Wawan, Gentur, Dewi, ...), and my new friends at Pusat Studi Jerman UGM (Nieta, Kholis, Joko, Ayu, Dhimaz, ...)... (ERROR: Message truncated)
Finally, to my friendster's friends: Widodo, Wiwid, Diah Ayu, Orit, Putri, Bulan. Special for Diah Ayu: *nervous* "I still owe you one, young lady. I'm gonna make it even somehow, that's my promise". Special to Orit: "Oh, I'm waiting for your post hehehe....". Special to Bulan: "have a nice day", "say hi to Laura for me" and "diet diet diet!!".
And of course, to all bloggers who happen to visit this page: AchmadBisri, Beranda, Bulan, Eefaa, Fany, Fitri, IlalangLiar, Ipone, Mitha,. Nasgorkam, Ndree, Nofree, Ochan, Pinkiest, PrincessLidya, Putri, Rachel, Racingdynamics, Ridho, Rizal/Rhaze, Siberia, Tomi, Tuteh,... (FATAL ERROR: Buffer Overflow!!). Together we share love to the whole (new) world...
WARNING: Blue Screen! Invalid page fault at kernel32.dll!
switching to Linux.....[DONE].
Next, it goes to my friends from Alste community: mas Ariyo, Citot aka Ahmadun, aYu (hmmmmmm...), mas Firman, Edi, pakdhe Rois, Fanny, Jati, (mbak) Anne, mas Buyung, pak Aria Baskara, ... (ERROR: unterminated string). Thanks for a lovely but (rather) lonely mailist. I feel like home there...
Then to my colleagues at PT Reftindo Sarana, esp Mr Laksono and Mr Asnawi for their valuable support ever since I started working as a part time system engineer. Your patience is touching my hearts...
And to all of Ikomp99 members: Dayat, Tony, Awal, Ayu, Edi jenggot, Edi Smile, Hesti, Yance, Inda, Wawan, ...
And to all of PMII crews (Mahbub, Nyitnyit, Shihab, Bosman, pak Medi, Ratna, ...), MAPAGAMA fellows (mbak Tanti, Aka, Enno, Endar, Ari, Mitha, Wawan, Gentur, Dewi, ...), and my new friends at Pusat Studi Jerman UGM (Nieta, Kholis, Joko, Ayu, Dhimaz, ...)... (ERROR: Message truncated)
Finally, to my friendster's friends: Widodo, Wiwid, Diah Ayu, Orit, Putri, Bulan. Special for Diah Ayu: *nervous* "I still owe you one, young lady. I'm gonna make it even somehow, that's my promise". Special to Orit: "Oh, I'm waiting for your post hehehe....". Special to Bulan: "have a nice day", "say hi to Laura for me" and "diet diet diet!!".
And of course, to all bloggers who happen to visit this page: AchmadBisri, Beranda, Bulan, Eefaa, Fany, Fitri, IlalangLiar, Ipone, Mitha,. Nasgorkam, Ndree, Nofree, Ochan, Pinkiest, PrincessLidya, Putri, Rachel, Racingdynamics, Ridho, Rizal/Rhaze, Siberia, Tomi, Tuteh,... (FATAL ERROR: Buffer Overflow!!). Together we share love to the whole (new) world...
WARNING: Blue Screen! Invalid page fault at kernel32.dll!
switching to Linux.....[DONE].
Sunday, February 08, 2004
New Years Resolution (2004) Revisited
Since I wrote down my new years resolution here, to my amazement, I felt a lot of change in my life.
First, I sleep quite often. That's why second: I have a slight pain on my neck and my back. Third, it's been a long time since I sleep with an ordinary dream. It's been a dull nightly ritual (ups! don't mix up with "that" nightly ritual. I'm still single ya know :P).
Well, but the good news is: I have a new hope. Just like Spirit character in my fave movie "Spirit: The Stallion of Cimarron". It's a new world, it's a new start. It's a beat from a young heart. Check one of its OST, it describes exactly what I feel:
(Bryan Adams)
Here I am - this is me
There's no where else on earth I'd rather be
Here I am - it's just me and you
And tonight we make our dreams come true
It's a new world - it's a new start
It's alive with the beating of young hearts
It's a new day - it 's a new plan
I've been waiting for you
Here I am
Here we are - we've just begun
And after all this time our time has come
Ya here we are - still goin' strong
Right here in the place where we belong
Here I am - this is me
There's no where else on earth I'd rather be
Here I am - it's just me and you
And tonight we make our dreams come true
Chorus (2x)
Here I am - next to you
And suddenly the world is all brand new
Here I am - I'm gonna stay
Now there's nothin standin in our way
Here I am - this is me
Indeed, it's really me.
First, I sleep quite often. That's why second: I have a slight pain on my neck and my back. Third, it's been a long time since I sleep with an ordinary dream. It's been a dull nightly ritual (ups! don't mix up with "that" nightly ritual. I'm still single ya know :P).
Well, but the good news is: I have a new hope. Just like Spirit character in my fave movie "Spirit: The Stallion of Cimarron". It's a new world, it's a new start. It's a beat from a young heart. Check one of its OST, it describes exactly what I feel:
(Bryan Adams)
Here I am - this is me
There's no where else on earth I'd rather be
Here I am - it's just me and you
And tonight we make our dreams come true
It's a new world - it's a new start
It's alive with the beating of young hearts
It's a new day - it 's a new plan
I've been waiting for you
Here I am
Here we are - we've just begun
And after all this time our time has come
Ya here we are - still goin' strong
Right here in the place where we belong
Here I am - this is me
There's no where else on earth I'd rather be
Here I am - it's just me and you
And tonight we make our dreams come true
Chorus (2x)
Here I am - next to you
And suddenly the world is all brand new
Here I am - I'm gonna stay
Now there's nothin standin in our way
Here I am - this is me
Indeed, it's really me.
Brainstorming in Progress...
When seeing myself in the mirror, my minds wandering...
What are you looking at? why do you stare me like that? When the last time was an acne on your face just because of your dream girl?? How could you do that to her? Now she's gone. To somewhere you can't even think of. Or afford to (well, maybe someday). Nobody's with you now. She and her friends are now your thorn in your flesh. Why? You've been so trustworthy until that bleeding November.
Wait. Everything seems so vague. Me? Break my own words and sneak in? No way!! It's she who let that happen. I told her not to forward that bloody emails from her private mailist (private without proper protection, little sister!!). She did that 3 times. I warned her once for all, but she just said "biarin weee!!". Then deliberately I took a chance to join it and seeing if my presence there would be red handed.
Eeee... it took her 3 months to figure it out.
She told me that I was sneaking. Wh-what? Sneaking with moderator's approval? What the hell joke is that? Somebody should learn some things first to become a mailing list moderator. Signing up a new mailist simply doesn't make you a good one. Even if you banned the sneaker out with Yahoo!Groups level 3 security, he or she could be still alive and keep monitoring your mailist without your consent and notice. Gosh! somebody should learn something.
Admit it, you goddamn fool! You should knock knock the door and ask ask ask her permission or simply simply say hello to her friends. Period!
Blush! I never expected it would end up this way. I've been accidentally practicing a Participant-Observant method of "Privacy and Trustworthiness Relationship Model" ever since I wrote "Privasi dan Kepercayaan dalam Dunia Internet: Tinjauan Dampak Komputer terhadap Masyarakat" elsewhere. I should learn something too. That trust is something so precious you couldn't barter with anything but your own life. Hope I can make it up somehow. I owe her that much.
Note: learn Brainstorming Techniques HOWTO first if you've no idea what it is ^_^
What are you looking at? why do you stare me like that? When the last time was an acne on your face just because of your dream girl?? How could you do that to her? Now she's gone. To somewhere you can't even think of. Or afford to (well, maybe someday). Nobody's with you now. She and her friends are now your thorn in your flesh. Why? You've been so trustworthy until that bleeding November.
Wait. Everything seems so vague. Me? Break my own words and sneak in? No way!! It's she who let that happen. I told her not to forward that bloody emails from her private mailist (private without proper protection, little sister!!). She did that 3 times. I warned her once for all, but she just said "biarin weee!!". Then deliberately I took a chance to join it and seeing if my presence there would be red handed.
Eeee... it took her 3 months to figure it out.
She told me that I was sneaking. Wh-what? Sneaking with moderator's approval? What the hell joke is that? Somebody should learn some things first to become a mailing list moderator. Signing up a new mailist simply doesn't make you a good one. Even if you banned the sneaker out with Yahoo!Groups level 3 security, he or she could be still alive and keep monitoring your mailist without your consent and notice. Gosh! somebody should learn something.
Admit it, you goddamn fool! You should knock knock the door and ask ask ask her permission or simply simply say hello to her friends. Period!
Blush! I never expected it would end up this way. I've been accidentally practicing a Participant-Observant method of "Privacy and Trustworthiness Relationship Model" ever since I wrote "Privasi dan Kepercayaan dalam Dunia Internet: Tinjauan Dampak Komputer terhadap Masyarakat" elsewhere. I should learn something too. That trust is something so precious you couldn't barter with anything but your own life. Hope I can make it up somehow. I owe her that much.
Note: learn Brainstorming Techniques HOWTO first if you've no idea what it is ^_^
Friday, February 06, 2004
In Memoriam : Mr Ign Purnomo, M.Kom
My lovely lecturer, Mr Ign Purnomo, M.Kom, has passed away on Friday, 6 Feb 2004. May he rest in peace.
He taught us in wide range subjects: Database, Concepts of Programming Languages, (Discrete Event) Simulation, Genetic Algorithms. In any of his lecture, he always gives us a lesson of life. Something like "life-skill education". That's a plus.
I'm not kidding when I tell you he is lovely. Patient. Thoughtful. Honest. Low Profile (but High Performance). Smart (he should be!). His students are all happy to have at least B in all of his lectures. His classes are always full of students. Even if you're late for only 10 minutes, you have to bring your own desk. Coz the desks are already "sold out".
Certainly I miss such an ideal teacher. Deep condolence.
He taught us in wide range subjects: Database, Concepts of Programming Languages, (Discrete Event) Simulation, Genetic Algorithms. In any of his lecture, he always gives us a lesson of life. Something like "life-skill education". That's a plus.
I'm not kidding when I tell you he is lovely. Patient. Thoughtful. Honest. Low Profile (but High Performance). Smart (he should be!). His students are all happy to have at least B in all of his lectures. His classes are always full of students. Even if you're late for only 10 minutes, you have to bring your own desk. Coz the desks are already "sold out".
Certainly I miss such an ideal teacher. Deep condolence.
Thursday, February 05, 2004
Ask Something Smart, you M*r*n!
When I read How to Ask Question in Smart Way for the first time, I felt so offended. When I did it for the 2nd and so forth, I can't help laughing... There's something peculiar about hackers' way to communicate. They always see things as problem solving, thus speak anything in a "cut-through-the-bullshit" manner.
Go on, see it yourself.
Q: Where can I find program or resource X?
A: The same place I'd find it, fool — at the other end of a web search. Ghod, doesn't everybody know how to use Google yet?
Q:. How can I use X to do Y?
A:. If what you want is to do Y, you should ask that question without pre-supposing the use of a method that may not be appropriate. Questions of this form often indicate a person who is not merely ignorant about X, but confused about what problem Y they are solving and too fixated on the details of their particular situation. It is generally best to ignore such people until they define their problem better.
Q:. How can I configure my shell prompt?
A:. If you're smart enough to ask this question, you're smart enough to RTFM*) and find out yourself.
Q:. Can I convert an AcmeCorp document into a TeX file using the Bass-o-matic file converter?
A:. Try it and see. If you did that, you'd (a) learn the answer, and (b) stop wasting my time.
Q:. My {program, configuration, SQL statement} doesn't work
A:. This is not a question, and I'm not interested in playing Twenty Questions to pry your actual question out of you — I have better things to do. On seeing something like this, my reaction is normally of one of the following:
* do you have anything else to add to that?
* oh, that's too bad, I hope you get it fixed.
* and this has exactly what to do with me?
Q:. I'm having problems with my Windows machine. Can you help?
A:. Yes. Throw out that Microsoft trash and install an open-source operating system like Linux or BSD.
Note: you can ask questions related to Windows machines if they are about a program that does have an official Windows build, or interacts with Windows machines (i.e. Samba). Just don't be surprised by the reply that the problem is with Windows and not the program, because Windows is so broken in general that this is very often the case.
Q:. My program doesn't work. I think system facility X is broken.
A:. While it is possible that you are the first person to notice an obvious deficiency in system calls and libraries heavily used by hundreds or thousands of people, it is rather more likely that you are utterly clueless. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence; when you make a claim like this one, you must back it up with clear and exhaustive documentation of the failure case.
Q:. I'm having problems installing Linux or X. Can you help?
A:. No. I'd need hands-on access to your machine to troubleshoot this. Go ask your local Linux user group for hands-on help. (You can find a list of user groups here.)
Note: questions about installing Linux may be appropriate if you're on a forum or mailing list about a particular distro, and the problem is with that distro; or on local user groups forums. In this case, be sure to describe the exact details of the failure. But do careful searching first, with "linux" and all suspicious pieces of hardware.
Q:. How can I crack root/steal channel-ops privileges/read someone's email?
A:. You're a lowlife for wanting to do such things and a moron for asking a hacker to help you.
*) RTFM : Read The Fucking Manual, usually used in conjunction with STFW (Search The Fucking Web)
Go on, see it yourself.
Q: Where can I find program or resource X?
A: The same place I'd find it, fool — at the other end of a web search. Ghod, doesn't everybody know how to use Google yet?
Q:. How can I use X to do Y?
A:. If what you want is to do Y, you should ask that question without pre-supposing the use of a method that may not be appropriate. Questions of this form often indicate a person who is not merely ignorant about X, but confused about what problem Y they are solving and too fixated on the details of their particular situation. It is generally best to ignore such people until they define their problem better.
Q:. How can I configure my shell prompt?
A:. If you're smart enough to ask this question, you're smart enough to RTFM*) and find out yourself.
Q:. Can I convert an AcmeCorp document into a TeX file using the Bass-o-matic file converter?
A:. Try it and see. If you did that, you'd (a) learn the answer, and (b) stop wasting my time.
Q:. My {program, configuration, SQL statement} doesn't work
A:. This is not a question, and I'm not interested in playing Twenty Questions to pry your actual question out of you — I have better things to do. On seeing something like this, my reaction is normally of one of the following:
* do you have anything else to add to that?
* oh, that's too bad, I hope you get it fixed.
* and this has exactly what to do with me?
Q:. I'm having problems with my Windows machine. Can you help?
A:. Yes. Throw out that Microsoft trash and install an open-source operating system like Linux or BSD.
Note: you can ask questions related to Windows machines if they are about a program that does have an official Windows build, or interacts with Windows machines (i.e. Samba). Just don't be surprised by the reply that the problem is with Windows and not the program, because Windows is so broken in general that this is very often the case.
Q:. My program doesn't work. I think system facility X is broken.
A:. While it is possible that you are the first person to notice an obvious deficiency in system calls and libraries heavily used by hundreds or thousands of people, it is rather more likely that you are utterly clueless. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence; when you make a claim like this one, you must back it up with clear and exhaustive documentation of the failure case.
Q:. I'm having problems installing Linux or X. Can you help?
A:. No. I'd need hands-on access to your machine to troubleshoot this. Go ask your local Linux user group for hands-on help. (You can find a list of user groups here.)
Note: questions about installing Linux may be appropriate if you're on a forum or mailing list about a particular distro, and the problem is with that distro; or on local user groups forums. In this case, be sure to describe the exact details of the failure. But do careful searching first, with "linux" and all suspicious pieces of hardware.
Q:. How can I crack root/steal channel-ops privileges/read someone's email?
A:. You're a lowlife for wanting to do such things and a moron for asking a hacker to help you.
*) RTFM : Read The Fucking Manual, usually used in conjunction with STFW (Search The Fucking Web)
Sunday, February 01, 2004
Tragedy of Gunung Slamet: 31 January 2001
To commemorate my friends: Ismarilianti, Bergas Agung Pramuditya, Turniyadi, Fauzan, Masrukhi. You're all of high value in my memory. A scene of bravery, never ending struggle of survival untill you have reached your verge of undeniable destiny. Rest in peace my friends. Gunung Slamet with its lethal rainy storm may have stopped your heart beat, but will never ever stop your fighting spirit.
by: Wahyu Adi Setyanto
Energimu habis terserap langit yang menggumuli pori-pori
lagi menjamah tumit hingga ubun-ubun
dalam hari-hari dan malam-malam bising oleh amukan badai
di setiap desah nafas berkubangan hasrat tak tertumpah
saat diriku lelah dengan salam perpisahan yang terucap sudah,
Menanti dwitunggal setia taat patuh padaNya datang
lewat kesaksian jemari tangan membeku tungkai lunglai terkulai
leher jenjang mengejang bibir ranum memutih bertutur lirih
dalam dahaga yang tak lagi mengundang nafsuku bercumbu dan bercanda
dengan seisi dunia.
by: Wahyu Adi Setyanto
Tunjukkan padaku
dengan luasnya semai hatimu
sebuah puri yang kaubangun dengan airmata
di sana.
Sematkan pula
tali kasih yang kubawa
di setiap yasin tahlil dan fatihah
agar tak kau rindukan kami lagi
di sini.
*aquarium mapagama, Bulaksumur*
Those poems were created on April 24 2001, barely 2 weeks after my 20th birthday. In tears. Just to be thankful that I was still alive as a witness of such heroic strive of men and women conquering themselves on a truly unimagined condition.
by: Wahyu Adi Setyanto
Energimu habis terserap langit yang menggumuli pori-pori
lagi menjamah tumit hingga ubun-ubun
dalam hari-hari dan malam-malam bising oleh amukan badai
di setiap desah nafas berkubangan hasrat tak tertumpah
saat diriku lelah dengan salam perpisahan yang terucap sudah,
Menanti dwitunggal setia taat patuh padaNya datang
lewat kesaksian jemari tangan membeku tungkai lunglai terkulai
leher jenjang mengejang bibir ranum memutih bertutur lirih
dalam dahaga yang tak lagi mengundang nafsuku bercumbu dan bercanda
dengan seisi dunia.
by: Wahyu Adi Setyanto
Tunjukkan padaku
dengan luasnya semai hatimu
sebuah puri yang kaubangun dengan airmata
di sana.
Sematkan pula
tali kasih yang kubawa
di setiap yasin tahlil dan fatihah
agar tak kau rindukan kami lagi
di sini.
*aquarium mapagama, Bulaksumur*
Those poems were created on April 24 2001, barely 2 weeks after my 20th birthday. In tears. Just to be thankful that I was still alive as a witness of such heroic strive of men and women conquering themselves on a truly unimagined condition.
Saturday, January 31, 2004
A Note on My New Dress
As you can see on the bottom-left side, I have attached three logos. They are "Hackers' Emblem", "BlueRibbon Campaign for Free Online Speech" and "AnyBrowser Campaign for Web Accessibility". It didn't happen as coincidence, though, for I have become "a secret admirer" of Eric Steven Raymond, whose link to his website has been in existence since the first time I created this blog.
Having the their emblem somewhere on my blog doesn't mean I become hacker myself; instead, I pay respect to hackers culture and value their goals as well as their way of living. Supporting "free online speech" campaign is also one of hackers mission because hackers really love freedom. And since I share their perspective, I deliberately put their campaign logo, along with my new dress: brigther color and omission of shoutbox, while in the other hand, still maintain commenting system to receive feedback from the visitors.
The other complience I want to conform with is to make this blog viewable with any browser. Why? Because I want anyone to browse my blog and find something useful, no matter what browser they use. From text-based browser such as Lynx to the cutting edge graphical-based web browser armed with bleeding-edge plugin technology like Netscape or InternetExplorer.

Having the their emblem somewhere on my blog doesn't mean I become hacker myself; instead, I pay respect to hackers culture and value their goals as well as their way of living. Supporting "free online speech" campaign is also one of hackers mission because hackers really love freedom. And since I share their perspective, I deliberately put their campaign logo, along with my new dress: brigther color and omission of shoutbox, while in the other hand, still maintain commenting system to receive feedback from the visitors.
The other complience I want to conform with is to make this blog viewable with any browser. Why? Because I want anyone to browse my blog and find something useful, no matter what browser they use. From text-based browser such as Lynx to the cutting edge graphical-based web browser armed with bleeding-edge plugin technology like Netscape or InternetExplorer.
Wednesday, January 28, 2004
Here I am standing on my own again--II
here I am standing on my own again
on the edge of loneliness
letting the wind of time blows through me
standing still, bare footed
trying to take off the jewellery of individualism
letting the rain fades the fake smile of hapiness
on my face
reaching out my hands try to seize
every drop of love
and absorb through my skin
hoping to be someone new
without any idea of loneliness
O Sep
Copyright ©2003 O Sep
on the edge of loneliness
letting the wind of time blows through me
standing still, bare footed
trying to take off the jewellery of individualism
letting the rain fades the fake smile of hapiness
on my face
reaching out my hands try to seize
every drop of love
and absorb through my skin
hoping to be someone new
without any idea of loneliness
O Sep
Copyright ©2003 O Sep
Monday, January 26, 2004
Scatterbrains at Works
"We're all one thing, Liutenant. That's why I've come to realize. Like cells in our body. Except we can't see the body. The way fish can't see the ocean. And so we envy each other. Hurt each other. hate each other. How silly is that? A heart cell hating a lung cell."
-- Cassie from THE THREE--
That's the ending screen of "Adaptation", a movie based on Susan Orlean's "The Orchid Thief", directed by Spike Jonze. It's mainly about a man writing a film about a book about a woman writing her in-depth observation of man who happened to be a flower-obsessed Floridian named John Laroche.
Being obsessed about flowers is not the peculiar thing of John Laroche. He once found himself couldn't live without fish, then got bored to death because of it, then loved turtles and then hated them, finally did the same to (rare) orchids. Untill he got arrested. For what? Shooting Donald Kaufman and stealing orchid from state-owned land.
Susan Orlean, a talented journalist, was eager to know what it's like being overwhelmed by her own obsession about something she love for no particular reason: to love things just because she want to. Thereby she spent almost 2 years shadowing Laroche wherever he went to, even though she had to give up living as city dwellers for a while and struggle in subtropical swamp somewhere in the Florida State Preserve Area. And finally make all her experience into a book.
"The Orchid Thief" so inspiring, Charlie Kaufman had a strong feeling that making film about "flowers" would be simply astounding. He got frustrated finding his script nowhere near completion for his agent persistently called him up, asking for a good news. Writing such a story was surprisingly out of his reach, despite his inspiring ideas given to his twin brother, Donald, who was about to complete the story of his own (The Three). However, Charlie's ego was urging. As his brother suggested, he tried to hear the story from the first mouth. Interviewing Susan, only to find that she (seemed) to have something she didn't (want to) tell him about. Desperately.
BANG! BANG!! Too much curiousity will kill you. Laroche shot Donald. Donald died with a gunshot bullet in his chest. Laroche point the shotgun to Charlie. Annoyed by the noisy gunfire, a starving alligator caught Laroche from behind and you know the rest of the story...
[RIP] Donald Rests In Peace, Laroche Rests In Pieces. [/RIP] That's why people should watch their back, anywhere including in the swamp.
Did you get the picture? It's all about Scatterbrains at works. And as a scatterbrain myself, I wrote this one exactly the same way as they did, from one paragraph to another. Jumping back and forth. Starting from conclusion (since you know it before you write), making a snapshot on abstract, explaining the abstract in the body, and making necessary introduction in the beginning.
Confusing? Na-ah. It's a fun, indeed. For scatterbrains only.
-- Cassie from THE THREE--
That's the ending screen of "Adaptation", a movie based on Susan Orlean's "The Orchid Thief", directed by Spike Jonze. It's mainly about a man writing a film about a book about a woman writing her in-depth observation of man who happened to be a flower-obsessed Floridian named John Laroche.
Being obsessed about flowers is not the peculiar thing of John Laroche. He once found himself couldn't live without fish, then got bored to death because of it, then loved turtles and then hated them, finally did the same to (rare) orchids. Untill he got arrested. For what? Shooting Donald Kaufman and stealing orchid from state-owned land.
Susan Orlean, a talented journalist, was eager to know what it's like being overwhelmed by her own obsession about something she love for no particular reason: to love things just because she want to. Thereby she spent almost 2 years shadowing Laroche wherever he went to, even though she had to give up living as city dwellers for a while and struggle in subtropical swamp somewhere in the Florida State Preserve Area. And finally make all her experience into a book.
"The Orchid Thief" so inspiring, Charlie Kaufman had a strong feeling that making film about "flowers" would be simply astounding. He got frustrated finding his script nowhere near completion for his agent persistently called him up, asking for a good news. Writing such a story was surprisingly out of his reach, despite his inspiring ideas given to his twin brother, Donald, who was about to complete the story of his own (The Three). However, Charlie's ego was urging. As his brother suggested, he tried to hear the story from the first mouth. Interviewing Susan, only to find that she (seemed) to have something she didn't (want to) tell him about. Desperately.
BANG! BANG!! Too much curiousity will kill you. Laroche shot Donald. Donald died with a gunshot bullet in his chest. Laroche point the shotgun to Charlie. Annoyed by the noisy gunfire, a starving alligator caught Laroche from behind and you know the rest of the story...
[RIP] Donald Rests In Peace, Laroche Rests In Pieces. [/RIP] That's why people should watch their back, anywhere including in the swamp.
Did you get the picture? It's all about Scatterbrains at works. And as a scatterbrain myself, I wrote this one exactly the same way as they did, from one paragraph to another. Jumping back and forth. Starting from conclusion (since you know it before you write), making a snapshot on abstract, explaining the abstract in the body, and making necessary introduction in the beginning.
Confusing? Na-ah. It's a fun, indeed. For scatterbrains only.
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